Hope you are enjoying your summer days. I've been working on new posters for my classroom. This past year, I had several options for the kids but realized I have a few students that needed alphabet or number correction.
My classroom color is spearmint with hot pink and lime green accents. This year I'm changing from my fabric boards to reuse it to recover my seat crates. I will be adding distressed wood bulletin backgrounds for a shabby look.
In Florida, we make our own snow.
Just prior to school letting out, I began looking into subtle changes to my environment. This will be year three in this particular classroom. The color scheme will stay because it's my happy place. My eyes have been gravitating towards Aztec designed clothing at the stores so I decided to browse TPT for digital papers. I was over-the-moon when finding an adorable collection that matches my colors perfectly!
I'm aware the background color can be more than some are willing to print so I prepared a new file with color images and a white background. This should assist you in printing costs.
I know many do not have access to color printers so I wanted to make sure there was a copy available for those that print without color. A blackline series is perfect for printing on colored paper or having the students color in the graphics.
What's available?
Each phonemic awareness and phonics poster was created with animal images. There are 27 alphabet posters with two different options for the letter x. There are 16 phonics posters with additional spellings shown on a bunting. Number posters include the formation, spelling and tens frames for zero to twenty.
Alphabet Poster...
A-Alligator, B-Bear, C-Cat, D-Dog, E-Elephant, F-Fish, G-Goat, H-Hippo, I-Iguana, J-Jellyfish, K-Kangaroo, L-Lion, M-Monkey, N-Narwhal, O-Ostrich, P-Pig, Q-Quail, R-Rabbit, S-Snake, T-Tiger, U-Uganda Kob, V-Vulture, W-Walrus, X-Xray Fish AND Fox, Y-Yak, Z-Zebra.
Phonics Posters...
Long A (a_e, ai, ay, eigh) Snail, Long E (e_e, ee, ea, ey) Eagle, Long I (i_e, y, ie, igh) Fly, Long O (o_e, oa, oe, ow) Toad, Long U (u_e, ew, oo, ue) Newt, AU/AW-Fawn, OI/OY-Oyster, OU/OW-Owl, AR-Jaguar, OR-Horse, ER/IR/UR-Turtle, CH-Chicken, PH-Dolphin, SH-Sheep, TH-Sloth, WH-Whale.
Click one of the covers below to link over in my store.