Did you survive this exceptionally crazy week?
For me, this week was packed full with Red Ribbon Themed Activities, the 50th Day of Cool School, Owl Pellet Investigations, an observation and our school wide costume parade. I'd previously planned to share my #bethedifference post using place value but lost all my data when I crushed my iphone last Friday. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am to be here a week later, breathing a sigh of relief. I have a new phone, activities complete, blog post finished and I'm in one piece!
By mid week, I began to think about changing the direction for my Friday lessons. The kids were tapped out from all the activities this week and frankly so was I. Using The Mailbox Gold, I found really engaging activities for shapes. This topic had been previously instructed so I knew this would be entertaining centers on this half day of school.
I challenged my students to create a shape monster using specific number of shapes. I suggest allowing kids to create their shape monster manipulating shapes with pattern and attribute blocks first. Having a visual and manipulating the shapes will help speed the center along. Without a doubt, my kids were over the moon with excitement as we shared our creations!
An equally engaging activity was our Camera Picture Walk. The kids created their own camera with envelopes, four (trifolded) index cards, black construction paper and a string. On the back of their index cards, I listed three specific shapes based of their previous assessments. The final card was student choice. Once the kids returned to class from the parade, they began recording their observations for each shape. Before placing the images in their camera envelope, the kids cut the index cards into thirds.
At my small group table, I pulled kids who struggled with the Camera Picture Walk to create shapes with real objects. We began the guided instruction with Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Hoban which was a familiar text. After, we completed a mini shape book.
I wasn't sure this final activity would keep my student's attention. We'd worked really hard on attributes before the district assessment so I figured it might be the least desirable activity. Oh my moon and stars, I was so very wrong. Give a kid craft supplies and smelly markers for decorating, constructing and comparing basic shapes and you'll get loads of engagement and accountable talk.
All in all, I felt good about the hour and a half of meaningful instructional review the kids received. The files are instant downloads with minimal prep!
Best wishes as we coast into November!