Hi teachers friends! Are you preparing for back to school? This is the time of year were educators are stretching their summer funds while waiting their first paycheck back from break. It's also the time of year where teachers are selfless and spending their remaining dollars on supplies their their classrooms. Sound familiar?
Most teachers spend more than $400 of their own money each year to provide supplies and materials for their classrooms. During Staples' Teacher Appreciation week, teachers can get an exclusive coupon at www.staples.com/classroom that provides 40 percent back in Staples Teacher Rewards on popular items including school supplies, teaching and art supplies as well as cleaning supplies. This discount applies to in-store purchases only, made from Sunday, August 2nd through Saturday, August 8th. It does exclude technology.
For a complete list of all of the Staples stores participating in the area, please visit http://storelocator/staples.com. To sign up for free Staples Rewards membership or for more information about the Teacher Rewards program, please visit www.StaplesRewardCenter.com.
I hope you make use of the deal!!! And for one lucky follower, I'm giving away a $50 gift card to Staples to help save you on all the supplies you need for Back to School. Best of luck!

Post its!
I love pens and markers:)
I really, really need new Sharpies and binders! :)
I love getting a new set of colorful Expo markers!
Toner... toner... toner... can't get enough of it with all the TPT products I've bought.
Chart paper and markers
I always need ink to print out all the cute stuff I get on TPT!
Scissors and paper!
I love buying new pens and post its from Staples each year!
Definitely INK!
Julene Hoffman
Paper and ink
Card stock and ink!
So hard to choose just one, but I love smelly markers! Mr. Sketch or Scentos.
Luv My Kinders
Fun pens and markers, though I think ink is at the top of my list, too!
Colored ink! :)
I always need more printer ink!
What I learned after teaching three classes a day is that I always need pencils, pencils, and more pencils.
Scissors. They always seem to disappear!
Black felt-tipped markers. And stuff for my new Arc planner that I'm going to get.
Chart paper and flair pens!
Post it and flair pens
I saw a post on Pinterest this week for student memory books using binders- I would definitely purchase these for my students this fall!! I can't wait for school to start:)
Planners, calendars, and organizational supplies!
Ink! I go through so much ink for school.
pens and cardstock
Card stock, poster markers, SMELLY markers!!
A new set of Papermate Flair pens and colored copy paper.
Printer ink
I need this X-Acto paper cutter I saw from Erica B!!
Paper shredder, paper cutter, and card stock. Ha!
Laminating pouches... who can really ever have enough? :)
Post its and sharpies!
I am a new first year teacher sooo I need it ALL! Specifically I need a stapler, scissors and pencil sharpener for me to use.
I'm all about a good pencil sharpener and any kind of art supply!!
I'm all about a good pencil sharpener and any kind of art supply!!
I love Flair pens!
I need printer ink and Expo dry erase markers. Oh, and did I mention time? Can Staples give me time? Lol, thanks!
I want a cute Post It dispenser!!!! It's the little things in life :)
I'm a sucker for storage boxes and carts for holding supplies!
Sticky Notes
Flair Pens and Mr. Sketcher markers!
Chart paper and Mr. Sketch markers!
Awesome giveaway!! Love me some post its, stikki clips, and markers! All different types of markers!
Ah its hard to pick which supplies I love the most! Laminating pouches, expo markers, ticonderoga pencils or flair pens are some of my favorites!
Printer ink, folders, and cardstock. :)
Printer ink, pencils and cardstock
Printer ink, pencils and cardstock
I need binders and would love some more Expo markers!
Card stock and desk organizers.
Sticky notes, markers and pens
Post it notes, markers and pend
I could really use a paper cutter.
Presentation paper would be delightful!
I am dying for some more Expo markers before school starts! Haven't found a good sale yet :/
Electric Sharpener!!! It would change my life!
I need toner. I also need expo markers and an electric sharpener. Oh and a good Osiris of scissors.
Large 11x11 post-its!
Ink and a new comfortable chair!
Honestly, ANY school item is something that makes my heart pound:)
My favorite BTS supply to get is poly 2prong pocket folders. The nice ones not the flimsy ones. I use them for homework folders.
Glue Sticks...Astro Bright...
I need ink and post-its!
I love flair pens...lots and lots of flair pens!
Smooth writing pens in pretty colours
I love colored cardstock!!
I would love to get some binders and expo markers!
I need a new printer.
Oh my.... Hard to choose... But I would have to go with new pens -- especially Flare Pens :)
It's so hard to choose, but I will say Expo markers. I go through so many!!!
Always love a new set of Scentos markers!
Journals for interactive notebooks
Flair pens and post-it notes!
Apples, Books, and Crayons
Printer ink and white cardstock:)
I would love to get some binders to organize the kiddos!
I would love to get some binders to organize the kiddos!
I would love flair pens, ink, color paper, and highlighters!!
Crayons, crayons, crayons... I think the kinders eat them!
Markers & cardstock!!! :)
I LOVE Flair Papermate pens....they are my favorite!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I always need more organizing supplies-can't be too organized with special needs kiddos!
They need to know where everything is and where to put it when they are done!
Purple pens to grade with!
Printer ink and colored paper are my two big purchases from Staples every year.
Paper Mate Flair Pens~ Love the colors!
I need ink! I have a lot to print out in color.
Lots of glue sticks!
Expo Markers & labels
Post its, post its, and more post its!
Ink, markers, and paper!
Definitely ink and cardstock!
I use dry erase markers with my students several times a day! So I could use a boat load of them.
Expo Markers, Colorful ones :) The new one Card Stock Paper
I need a chart pad! Those things are so darn expensive, I never seem to want to buy it for myself. Oh, and pretty markers to make my anchor charts look cool.
I'm comment number 100 - wow! I need ink for my computer to make copies of all the great things I'm going to buy on TpT.
Susan in NC
chart paper!
I can never have enough Sharpie markers! Thin, fat, black, white...it doesn't matter I NEED them all! :)
I really need a GREAT pencil sharpener.
I am looking to get some new bulletin board borders and a new binder for my lesson plans.
I need colored paper for my classroom! Those bright colors to send newsletter and other important notes for parents!
I love markers and sharpies.
Brightly colored paper to grab the students' attention!
Definitely twistable crayon pens.
I have to go back to school with fresh anchor charts and Mr. Sketch Markers! They are a MUST! From Staples, i LOVE their printable sticker paper and colorful giant binder clips!
Hard to decide. Probably Mrs. Sketch markers and cardstock.
A personal laminator!
Flair pens :)
I love Post-Its in all shape and colors.
colored paper, colored pens and markers
Notebooks, sharpies and post its!
Composition notebooks
Composition notebooks and chart post its
I would love pens and markers and that post-it easel paper, but I also really really need a new printer. The last school year killed the poor thing.
I love pens! I'm always looking for different colors to use each year!
PENS and postits
Printer ink and folders!
Post-its and card stock
I love new pens and lots of colored cardstock paper!!
Plastic 2-pocket folders
I can't live without laminating sheets!!
Can one ever have enough colorful pens and papers to entice the kiddos to write?
mr sketch markers
I always need flair pens!! :)
Flair pens and scented markers!
Post it notes!
Pencil sharpener!
Colored paper and colored ink!
Spiral notebooks and two pocket folders!
Two-pocket folders and Flair pens
I would love laminating pouches!!!
Pens and sharpies!:)
Colored cardstock and scented markers!
Some new organizing things for my books and supplies!
I would love one of the big sets of Sharpie pens with all the different colors.
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