
The Curious Garden {Book Companion}

I'm fresh off a week break from school and currently diving head first into sharks!  I hope to have a post of the activities we completed this weekend.  In preparation for the following unit, I updated my book companion for The Curious Garden! 

If you haven't read this story, you MUST listen here...

The Curious Garden by Peter Brown from johnvu on Vimeo.

Captivate students with ocean themed fun while meeting learning standards! This 126 page packet is packed full of excitement.
What's included...

Build background knowledge about gardens with KWL or Have, Can and Are graphic organizers.
Begin instruction with a heavy dose of story vocabulary that will assist language learners with words such as city, garden, dreary, drizzly, discovery, wandering, railway, explore, tracks, gardener, pruning, restless, weeds, curious, spring, summer, autumn, winter, moss, and blossomed. 

 Provided are several options for recording vocabulary words. Option one includes a vocabulary book with clipart images. Option two includes blank vocabulary response pages.

Build schema by understanding the meaning of curious with a craftivity. 

Open discussions during reading with text dependent questions.

You'll find engaging comprehension response sheets for compare/contrast, visualization, story maps, plot and sequencing events with a summary. Practice cause/effect, inferences, and predictions in the final half the of the story.

 Practice adjectives by describing the city before and after Liam (the main character) tends to the growing gardens on the city railway.  Several options available.

Work on character traits with a lesson and follow up response about the main character, Liam. 

Produce a beautiful bulletin board with a response to literature craft.   

This file combines science content through literacy centers.  Explore sand and soil with engaging curious centers. 

Introduce photosynthesis with a color page and follow up with an experiment and observation recording page. Thank you!

Engage students while reading by interacting with retelling props. Bring the story to life by simply gluing pieces to a tongue depressor.

 Engaging clipart sets the stage for procedural writing.  Students will craft a procedural response with one of several options provided!

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