
Do You SpellingCity?

I've been working with SpellingCity for a month now and just HEART all it has to offer!!!  I created a Smilebox of how I've used the program in my class.  We have a daily 15 minute transition between our literacy block and lunch. We must squeeze every minute that we can these days.  Teachers, you know what I'm talking about!  The kids are truly excited and cheer when I pull up SpellingCity!

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1 Unknown said...

I've used it all year and love it. Not just as a 3rd grade teacher, but also as the mom of a 2nd grader. It's great for those spelling reviews before "the test". I heart hangmouse...

2 Dr. Cara Whitehead, NBCT said...

VocabularySpellingCity is my favorite educational site on the web. My students review their weekly spelling and vocabulary tests daily on our interactive whiteboard during centers. My favorite part is that I can give my weekly tests online. I never have to grade a spelling test again!

Teaching...My Calling

3 Mrs. Saoud said...

I love the idea of allowing the kids to play on the smartboard during centers. I just received mine and the kids are HOOKED! =)

4 Mrs. Lindsey said...

I heart spelling city. My students use it when they have finished with their listening center and they love it!
