

 Math Journal Available for Homework

Reading Journal for Book Responses
Reading Graphic Organizer Journal for Reading Strategies

Science Journal for Observations

Vocabulary Journal  for Skills Block

Writing Journal with Prompts


1 Erica Bohrer said...

Wow! Excellent resources here. You are amazing!

Erica Bohrer's First Grade

2 Oceans of First Grade Fun said...

These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
Oceans of First Grade Fun

3 Elisabeth said...

These are awesome! Love these! Thanks so much for sharing! Do you put these in notebooks or folders? How often do you use these with your kids? I'm excited about these and excited about your blog... your blog is great!!! :)


4 Ms. Morales said...

Thank you so much for these great ideas! I am so excited! I can't wait to use them!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. These are wonderful. I will be moving from fourth to second next year and these have started my creative juices flowing!

6 kinderpond said...

wonderful!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!


7 iamagirldork said...

Thank you so very much! The calendar journal is awesome :)

8 Madison said...

Thank you!
Life with Mrs. L

9 Kreative in Kinder said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing!!


10 Sharon said...

Thanks for sharing these wonderful journals. I love them. You are so creative.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to start planning for a new school year with some fresh ideas! Thanks!

12 Jackie and Danielle {Sister Teachers} said...

Wow, these are awesome! I will definitely be using them this year in my 3rd grade classroom.

13 degolding said...

Thank you for sharing!!! Great resources!

14 diedra said...

I can not believe how creative you are, thanks for the wonderful resources. diedra