
Polar Express Pictures

Oh, WOW!  Glad to break for the holidays.  I had such a good time today.  I didn't take as many pictures as I expected.  Here are a few...

Train, CHOO CHOO! (and my thumb)

The Conductors!
The Passengers!


The Ladies

Fabulous Fables

click photo to download the preview
I've listed this fabulous fables mini unit on TpT for $4.  It's on sale for the next week.

I created this fables mini unit to assist my figurative language lessons and align with our weekly selection. Included are fables and figurative language posters, two concept maps, four different fables with aligned vocabulary and follow up activities, writing fables graphic organizer, and scroll paper.

The fables include: The Tortoise and The Hare, The Crow and The Pitcher, The Ant and The Grasshopper, and Belling the Cat.

I used these four Aesop fables to align with Houghton Mifflin Focus on Fables, Theme 2.


Day Six of Thanks!

I'm thankful for Mrs. M of Little Priorities. 

Mrs. M awarded my blog the Sunshine Award.  (((HUGS))) to you Mrs. M!

Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions below.
3. And pass the award to 10~12 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.

My answers to the questions:
  • Favorite color? Black for my clothes, Cream for the house, Hot Pink for my Blog.  =)
  • Favorite animal? Cats
  • Favorite number? 19.  Soccer Jersey Number
  • Favorite drink? Coke
  • Facebook or Twitter? Google Reader.  Sorry!
  • Your passion? I have many passions but most of the revolve around children:  FOOTBALL
  • Giving or getting presents? Getting presents.  Hugs and Homemade cards.
  • Favorite day? Saturdays.  Includes hot Starbucks coffee and relaxation!

My top 10 blogs!
 Doodle Bugs Teaching

Erica Bohrer's First Grade

Fabulous in First

KPM Doodles

Lesson Plan SOS

Lory's Page

Made for 1st Grade

Ms. M

What the Teacher Wants!

A few activities for you...

I'm still in school for another day.  Here are a few grabs for tomorrow...

Stone Soup



Mrs. Miners Craft Activity


Day Five of Thanks!

Woody Allen writes, "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." This sums up my day perfectly.  Kids can say and do the darnedest things.  I'm truly thankful for the daily interactions with my students. 

Have you ever given the kids a piece of paper and asked them to write the steps of making a turkey?  Uncontrollable chuckles!  Minus the milk, please.

Here is a sample:  Hunt for the turkey.  Watch out for the bears. Then, turn on the over to 100 degrees.  Cook the turkey in the oven. 

I asked, "How do you prepare the turkey to be cooked?"  My darling responds with intensity, "That's what your grandmother is for."

Yes, I'm thankful for these days.  Have your kids said things you are thankful for? I have a post from March you may enjoy, link here.

If you haven't already, you might like to link over to Rachelle from What a Teacher Wants and join  her thankful linky party. 


Day Four of Thanks!

Those that live in my community make the holidays exciting.  I'm thankful for their enthusiasm.  This morning I wake with more authority than yesterday.  Sundays are structured and well planned.  I sit with a cup of fresh squeezed orange juice.  I'm thankful the vitamin c will help with the gloomy bug I can't seem to shake. I sit out on my lanai and see that my roses are, once again, going to bloom.  I thankful that this delicate plant has provided me with four new blooms during our seasonal change.  My eye travels, ever so slightly, to the right and I noticed my holly tree shimmering with red specks.  Yes, the holidays are near.  I sit reading my community newsletter and the excitement that's to come in the next few weeks.  Lakeside residence are preparing their docks and boats for an upcoming holiday boat parade.  As well as inland residents are preparing their homes for a decorating contest.  Gingerbread men, ornament filled trees, and lights of all types adorn the beautiful homes.  Trolleys are rented and carry residents through the neighborhoods  before gathering together in fellowship. I'm thankful for this enchanting experience. In excitement, I manage to have my husband pull down all our Christmas decorations in preparation for next weekend.  We have a holiday tradition following Thanksgiving.  Apple Cider cooks on the stove as the smell permeates the house and the 1984 version on A Christmas Carol pumps through our surround sound.  I'm thankful for these traditions.  I immediatly set down my community news and put pen to paper.  A grocery list must be made!  Cinnamon sticks, cloves, pumpkin pie filling, and graham cracker pie crust are among a few remaining items to purchase today at the store.  I'm thankful for my husband who so willingly picks up our grocery items as I turn my attention to school.  Do you have holiday tradition that you are thankful for?


Day Three of Thanks!

Five days and counting down until Thanksgiving. I love Saturdays. I'm thankful for the extra hours of sleep. I love waking up to the sunbeam, ever so slightly, peeping between my blinds and teasing me about the day I'm missing. I'm grateful that I didn't hear my alarm! I pull myself out of bed, stumble to the living room, hair a hot mess, eyes glazed over, and pull out the computer. Yes! I'm an addict. I'm thankful for my husband which so kindly gets fresh, hot Starbucks every Saturday morning. No Double Shot today! I'm thankful to have the time to sit and drink my tall non fat mocha with no whip cream. The first sip is delicious. I'm grateful for the warmth the drink provides me on this cooler day. FALL. On Fleming Island, we are experiencing fall like weather. The trees are beginning to turn various shades of red and orange. The fruit on our six orange trees are perfect for the picking. The grass has stopped growing which allows me to be thankful for not having to do yard work. I sit this morning looking at the water, listening to the sounds of the kids participating in the community Turkey Trot, and thinking about my family coming to visit on Wednesday. I'm thankful for the DVR which has stored all my favorite shows that I may watch until kickoff time. FOOTBALL. I don't know who loves it more, my husband or I. This usually means uninterrupted time to work, blog, and shop online. I'm thankful for so many things this Saturday morning. What are you thankful for on Saturdays?


DayTwo of Thanks!

Six days remaining until Thanksgiving.  I sitting here tonight reflecting on my day.  I woke up this morning with a cold.  After twenty minutes at school, I realized I was unable to stay.  I'm thankful for for the magnificent teachers on my grade level that volunteered to split my class and allowing me to go home.  

Teachers are amazing.  I'm inspired by both teachers I interact with each day in person and those that I interact with through the blogs.  

I'm thankful for my teacher partner, Jackie.  She and I collaborate daily on lessons, assessments, and interventions.

I began blogging with my students in 2009.  Mrs. Saoud's Class blog morphed into Primary Graffiti.  I'm thankful for Kristen of Ladybug Teacher Files.  I met Kristen at the start of the 2010-2011 school year through the blogging community.  She gave my blog a make over, encouraged me through her comments and emails, and continues to inspire me with her post and tutorials.  Thanks Kristen!!  

I'm thankful for Mrs. Wills Kindergarten, Learning with Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Patton's Patch, Ms. Arnold of Oceans of First Grade Fun, Mrs. Kramer of Kindergarten Crayons, and Mrs. Evans of Lory's Page for co-hosting math work stations with me this summer.  The book study changed the way I think about math.  I grateful for the continued meaningful math post that each of these ladies continue to create.  You ladies are the best!

I'm thankful for Erica Brohrer's First Grade.  Erica and I became instant blog buddies almost a year ago.  We communicate through our blogs, Facebook, emails, and most recently on the phone. I have no doubt that you and I will meet in person before too long.  Thanks Erica for allowing me to share ideas and concerns! 

I'm thankful for Mrs. Mathes of The Techy Teacher for co-hosting the postcard exchange.  Mrs. Mathes is so creative and has many wonderful ideas floating around on pinterest.  You should link over and be inspired.  Thanks Mrs. M for all your creativity.

I'm thankful for Ms. M K/1 ELL Blog, Kristin of A Teeny Tiny Teacher, Jennifer of First Grade Blue Skies for your continued support and kind comments.  It's the wonderful comments that let me know that know someone does read my little blog. 

There are so many different teachers that I could feature.  What teacher inspires you?


Seven Days of Thanks!

With only a week to go before Thanksgiving, I'm thinking about all things I'm thankful for!  I'm thankful for my Starbucks Double Shot that circulates my inner body as I come to life each morning.  I'm thankful for one station that allows me to feel like a rock star as I belt, off key, for my 30 minute commute.  I'm thankful that I still receive hugs as my old students dropping by each morning to tell me how much they love me.  SNIFF!  I'm thankful for the adorable interactions with my kiddos.  When talking about text to text connections I asked, "Do you know what the word text means?"  My darling who never says a word suddenly blurts out, "Sure!  It's when you write a message on the phone."  I'm thankful for the technology which allows for my shy student to have confidence to talk in class!  2:30pm.  I'm thankful for my scheduled physical activity time.  The mild mid 70s in November allows for the kids to run and play with enthusiasm.  I'm thankful for my silent 30 commute home each day as I rejoice in the fact that I no longer hear, "MRS. SAOUD!"  I'm thankful for my dog which shows no control as she attempts ever trick to receive a treat. I'm thankful for a loving and supportive husband that endures the countless hours I spend on the computer. What are you thankful for?

PS: What the Teacher Wants is having a Thankful Linky Party.  Come join the fun.  Click the image below to link up.  Don't forget to read my previous post.


Published! and Behavior Management

My recent article at Really Good Stuff's Teacher Blog is published today on Behavior Management. Click the image below to link to the article.

CHAMPs Aligned Posters


Character Pumpkins and State Notebook

Character Pumpkins were amazing.  We picked a vocabulary word to define on our crowns and celebrated our pumpkins in the vocab parade!

I created this explosive 111 page freebie for my postcard exchange.  The file includes several picture tutorials on creating different notebook artifacts.  I've included all sheets in color and grayscale.  Also included are links to resource websites and book recommendations.  

An Inch Deep and Mile Wide Just Wont Do

My second article, An Inch Deep and Mile Wide Just Won't Do, was published with Really Good Stuff.  This article explains the importance of vocabulary instruction.  

 Click the image to link to the article.

This month, I'm working on Vocabulary with the book: A Boy Who Loved Words.  Although a bit challenging, the story was a fantastic read.  I love watching the kids use STRONG descriptive words in their writing.  A kindergartener told me they were voracious as he walked in line to the lunch room.  ADORABLE!!!

Each of the kids in our school were given a word book to jot down (vocab from BOM) and develop their favorite vocabulary words.  I created vocabulary cards using words from the The Boy Who Loved Words.  As I introduced each word during the read aloud, the kids searched through their bags to find the word and glue them into their word books.  It took nearly three days to complete the story.  After a week break, we revisited the the book of the month today. I read through, stopping at each of the vocabulary words.  The kids called out the correct word  as I paused.  They can read the vocabulary word in isolation.  I now know they understand the meaning in the text.  I asked for the meaning or a synonym for each of the vocabulary words.  Without hesitation, the kids were able to answer.  My heart is aflutter with excitement!

After our lesson, I had the kids look determine what they loved the most.  They looked up the definition in the dictionary and leaned how to use the thesaurus. We described what we loved with great vocabulary.

I've included the vocabulary picture cards and link a few great lesson ideas #1    #2    #3 for  The Boy Who Loved Words by Roni Schotter.
The Boy Who Loved Words Vocabulary