
Reading Genre Posters and Freebie

Happy Saturday!  I've officially survived the first two weeks back to school.  One more week until our first three day weekend.  Oh my stars, I need the mental break.  This past week, I worked to updated my old genre posters so I could get them posted on my focus wall this week.  I'm smitten with their final look! If you previously purchased my Genre Posters, you will have access to the new download in your purchases on TpT.  You can access the file by clicking the first picture.  I have a freebie embedded into the preview for the reference posters.  

This is how the posters look on 1/2 pages.

Did you know I created these to match the Comprehension Skills and Strategy Posters?  I wanted to provide continuity between resources for my focus wall.  You can access the posters below by clicking the image!

This is how the posters look on full pages.
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#bethedifference Open House

As many of us prepare for back to school, meet the teacher and open house, we are looking for materials to get organized.  I want to share a few printables from The Mailbox Gold website that I found really useful during my meet the teacher night!

Prior to my current school, I've always sent an invite to my open house.  I want my parents to feel welcomed in my classroom!

Currently, I work in a title one setting.  We host one big event with meet the teacher, open house prior to school starting.  This will be our only open house for the year. To increase participation, families enjoy a full BBQ meal.  It's held the Thursday evening during our teacher work week. My room is usually 80% pulled together. Most of the missing details are only noticed by me.  Since school hasn't let in, we don't have crafts, charts, and content on display.  This is a time where the spotlight is 100% on me. Organization is key!  Many parents have multiple kids and visiting several classrooms so my time is limited. 

This will be the first time I meet my newest darlings and so often the parents have different last names. A sign helps me to identify both the parent and child.  I strategically place the sheet in the entryway!

Placed with care on each desk is a little gift for the kids.  They so often purchase supplies for school but rarely remember to keep some for home.  I gave each child the essentials with a new editable bookmark.  

I prepared a little packet to help inform parents without overwhelming them.  Many speak limited English.  I found hitting a few key points and providing a copy to send home helps the parents start the first day with ease.  Included with the newsletter is a monthly calendar to show the rotations of our specials (PE, Music, Library and Computers).  All the forms are editable!

The above newsletter is my follow up letter to parents.

Along with the essentials above, I give my parents a little note taking sheet for those that stay and ask questions.  

The next form had my giddy!  I printed hard copies and strategically placed near the donation tree.  I also saved several PDFs on the student desktops.  The file below is an editable file.  Some parents took advantage of typing student information so I could print it out in class.  

Also located by the donation tree is a school supply list.  It's purpose was meant for updating parents throughout the year; However, many parents often ask what they can provide for our class.  I share this list and add specific supplies on the "other" line.  I let them know any of the below supplies would help me tremendously.

The transportation log was strategically placed near the food.  The most important thing on the first day of school.... keep the kids safe, feed them and get them home without incident! 

Parents won't leave empty handed!  They will receive a thank you on the way out the door.  Their bag consist of two free books coupons under $3 to purchase for their children with our Scholastic Book Clubs.  Oh my stars, parents really are touched by the gesture!  

The Mailbox Gold has a large bank of resources to meet a busy teacher's needs!

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Comprehension Skills and Strategy Posters and Freebie

Hi Teacher Friends!  I'm popping in to share an update on a file I created back in 2011.  If you previously purchased my Comprehension Skills and Strategy Posters, you will have access to the new download in your purchases on TpT.  You can access the file by clicking the first picture.  I have a freebie embedded into the preview for the reference posters.  They're perfect for interactive notebooks or reading folders! 

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Gift Idea, Inspirational Poster, Freebie Gift Tags

Hi Teacher Friends!  Yesterday was my first day back from summer break and I'm slap tired!  I'm popping in to share a Back to School gift idea and Inspirational Poster.

The inspiration...
Have you ever stood in the Back to School section and listen to parents and their children shop the school supplies? It's a comedy act.  Parents sifting through needs and wants, students passionate about the possibilities! The isles are buzzing. I seemed to be dancing between bodies as I maneuver through the folders and composition pads.  And then suddenly, I hear a voice in the distance.  This child was most certainly having their horrible, no good, very bad day!  It was in that moment I'm reminded of those challenging days...

Click to download the poster!
KG Fonts, Hidesy's Clipart

Teachers are gonna shop...
At this point of the year, I visit Walmart and Target stores several times a week.  I'm determined to find the best deals, looking for new trends, and hit the seasonal department for the latest and greatest. This trip sends me on a search for plastic ice boxes for my science library. Knowing home goods are just beyond the foliage, I park at the garden center. I'm hardly one step across the threshold when I spot an end cap with monogram, plastic cups in all colors and designs. Having been two days earlier and recalling the little upset "Alexander", I decided CRA-Z Art markers were a perfect little addition to the cups.  Why not? Teachers are just beginning to think about our new masterpiece!  

Click to download the tags!
KG Fonts, Hidesy's Clipart

The markers and cups cost $1.50 per person!

 Keep painting!

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Back to School Bash: Winners Announced!

Folks, we have a lot of winners... in fact...NINETEEN of them!!!  These winners have already been contacted, but we didn't want to leave you hanging any longer!  

 Remember that one time when we announced that ONE LUCKY winner would receive a Smartboard, Silhouette Cameo, and ESGI license??!!  This sweet girl got one giant surprise in the form of an email on Monday morning!!!
We just want to say thank you for having a little fun with us before a new school year!  We know it was a lot of work hoppin' around and entering, but we hope that you found some new companies to shop from, new bloggers to follow, and new resources to check out!  A special thank you to all of the generous companies that donated to make teachers happy all around the country... and even Canada!

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Whimsy Word Wall and Dictionary!

I'm transitioning from a PC to a Mac after my Lenovo bit the dust this summer.  It's painful learning when you are up against a clock.  As the minutes beat away at summer, I'm feverishly working to get things created for my own school year.  

I created a little whimsical word wall and dictionary for my classroom.  All images are short vowels and nearly 90% are cvc.  This product is perfect for K/1 but will remain listed for 2nd because we've all had that group of students in need of support.  

Link to file in cover image!

The cards include:

Aa-apple, Bb-bus, Cc-cat, Dd-dog, Ee-egg, Ff-fox, Gg-gift, Hh-hat, Ii-igloo, Jj-jar, Kk-kiss, L-leg, Mm-map, Nn-net, Oo-octopus, Pp-pig, Qq-queen, Rr-rug, Ss-sun, Tt-tub, Uu-umbrella, Vv-vet, Ww-web, Yy-yo/yo, Zz-zip.

Here are previews:

The editable word cards allow you customize words!

I'm feeling accomplished this evening!

Don't forget to grab my Math Nameplates Freebie.  I used the same alphabet for both files to provide continuity between resources in class.

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Swallowed Books Giveaway

 Double Giveaway from Primary Graffiti and Sharing Kindergarten

Are you heading back to school soon?
US too!
We are both heading back to school in the VERY NEAR future.

We want our rooms ready and our lesson plans done.
And then there is that TO DO list...
that never ends.

One of the items we have to check off is...
leave sub plans just in case!
And create engaging lesson plans to get students excited about learning
for the first week of school.

Well Cheryl from Primary Graffiti

 and Mary from Sharing Kindergarten
 are teaming up to cover you in both areas on the to do lists!

 How about we use the book...
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books!

Cheryl's Sub Tub is AMAZING.

And here is a glimpse of Mary's Supplemental Unit.

My unit includes a reader for your students.
I print mine on both sides and make this fun book!

And it has a fun ten frame number game.
I use this to see how can count rote to 10 and identity their numbers 0-10.
You are looking at one of the three mat pages.

 The students count the book bags in the ten frame and find the lady with the number to match it.

We also sequence the story
on a pocket chart using these pieces.

It is always a class favorite to finish these sequencing sheets
using the books and/or the sequencing cards!

Then we use the same sequencing cards to write using these prompts in small groups.

 Since the needs of our students vary year to year,
I made sure I included a sheet with a prompt and without one.

I also like to use these differentiated number writing mats 
to see who can write their numbers and how high they can do.
Most of my students can write to 10, but only a few of them can keep going. 

 How do you WIN both units?
Check out the rafflecopter below!
{And if you already have one of these units and you win,
we will let you pick another Old Lady Unit to get in its place.}

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