
Sweet units, freebies, and coupon code!

I'm obsessed with shopping on TpT.  During Back to School, I scooped up a copy of Deedee's Overhead Stations.  She has offered several ways to interact with this set through technology: document camera, Smartboard, overhead, or plain paper and pencil.  I heart!!!

I decided to print out the set and place in sheet protectors.  I broke the set into three levels and early finisher work.  The kids are able to choose what they feel is appropriate for themselves.  Simple letter practice, building words, and building sentences.  

Check out her post here!  Without hesitation, I picked up her 2nd Quarter Overhead Stations during this sale.  Here's a link to her newest stations!  

Each year my class "Explores New Waters" during the holidays.  We travel to different countries, learning about landforms, seasons, and traditions.  Our travels take at least a week of exploring! I decided to update my lessons this year to include Rachelle's Holidays Around the World Pack.  This files is very informative with wonderful book suggestions, links, and activities for each country!  Huge plus for me.

Sarah from First Grader at Last has an amazing tens frame product.  I just love her clipart.  Yes, she creates her own clipart too!  She is a fantastic friend with a creative mind!  Have you seen her classroom?  It belongs in a magazine!  To snoop through her first grade classroom pictures, link here.  To see her latest clipart collection, link here!  View a cool idea for turning placemats into tens frames, link here. AND to scoop up a copy of her tens frame centers, click the image below!

Sarah also has a freebie supplemental scrapbook for her own Christmas Around the World.  Click here!

Have you noticed my new blog design?  Alicia at Dreamlike Magic made my dreams come true.  A new design for a new direction with my blog.  I'm sad to let the old design go but excited about my new journeys.  I will be under construction for a little bit as I get things up and going! 

Alicia made my blog transformation in a snap.  Her options are easy to choose between, her colors are fun and vibrant.  Her service is spectacular!  Annnnnnd, she is offering a 15% discount for all followers that shop at her etsy shop of website!  The coupon code is PrimaryGraffiti.  I encourage you to visit, browse, and take advantage of this SWEET deal! 

That's all my darling friends!  =D


There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Snow

Brrrr!  It's cold outside.  Be prepared for those winter illnesses with my newest sub tub.  This file will need to be prepped in advance so don't delay!

 Click Image Above to Link!


Thanksgiving Loveliness!

Today went smoothly with wonderful ideas from friends in blogosphere.  As posted this morning, I worked through my plans and produced meaningful activities that made the kids smile.  

I began my day with a KWL on Pilgrims and Wampanoag
Gladys {Teaching in High Heels} has a cute mini unit!

Within Gladys' unit, I was able to spearhead our discussions with Vocabulary!  I would normally print in color but I downloaded these units last night. That's how friendly everything I used was!  Very Impressed!

{Side Note}The vocabulary cards were created with Ashley from the School Supply Addicts CUTE clipart!


A few books and videos later, we were comparing and contrasting!
Caitlin's November Unit was perfect for building schema!
{Lots of FUN center ideas too!}

 Now, what's a discussion with out moving to modern "Thankful" discussion? I was a bit bummed to find my Thanksgiving books missing. They were in the bin when I left on Thursday and gone when I arrived today.

You never know what happens with subs! Ugh.
So... Plan B!  

I'm Thankful For...
We had deep discussion about what we are thankful for and why!
Thanks to a variety of options in Katie's Busy Teacher Pack, 
I was able to provide the background for our next activity!

 Her unit is packed with wonderful centers for any first grade classroom!  This pack will come in handy next year when I loop with my darlings. 

As previously stated, I used Katie's Response to transition
into my next activity!!

Kelley's A Plate Full of Thanks was an instant hit.
Teachers and students were in love!

And it's on sale right now!! 

I transitioned into math next with this cute activity!
Susan from T.G.I.F incorporated all kinds of common core into this engaging activity!  I used the numbers 4 and 11.  We've been working to understand the short date {month only}! My higher students worked with 11.

We also discussed that the 4th week in Nov. was Thanksgiving.
Hence number 4!  Lots of learning for my kinder class!

I was in the middle of finishing a cute idea by Reagan with the book Run Turkey Run! It's still sitting on our desk awaiting our return.  I will be back tomorrow with additional pictures!

Each year my grade level does Turkey in Disguise.  I sent home my copy before realizing that blogland had it's own floating about! Gladys has a whole unit {here}AND Deanna has a freebie {here}.

I was never able to get to Ashley's Freebie today.  It's so worth a look {here}!  I will be back tomorrow with activities, centers, and a craft from other wonderful blogs!  You can link to each store by clicking each graphic above.

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell

I just completed the next tub in the series: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell!  This 58 page file is packed with common core lessons and activities that continue to progress as the year moves on!  

 Click to Purchase

 Predictable Text

 Vocabulary Cards

 Sequencing Center

 Fact/Opinion Lesson
Response to Literature

 Sight Word Lesson and Reader

 Dramatic Play: Retelling Props

 Persuasive Writing

 Persuasive Kindergarten

 Persuasive 1st Grade

 Skip Counting

Needs and Wants

If you are still looking for last minute Thanksgiving ideas or plan to be out with a sub.  I've discounted my Fall Sub Tubs 20% until Wednesday.  I also included Croptoberfest (created for my Kinders this year) and Gobble, Gobble Centers (created for my second grade last year)!

If you've already purchased my Fall Sub Tubs, then I have a freebie for you!  Click the image to download the file.  Did you know you can follow me on Scribd?  It's where I host my smaller freebies.  Click to follow and get instant updates.  I often upload files and don't always post about them.  Enjoy!

If you are willing to promote, I have a pin-it button on the bottom corner.  Facebook and Twitter love are always appreciated too!  I'll be back mid week with Swallowed Some Snow.  Happy Teaching!!

I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie

I just uploaded a set of adorable plans for Thanksgiving!  My 66 page sub tub doesn't just have to be used with the substitute.  Are you looking for lessons that will engage the students before they celebrate holiday cheer with their families?  This unit provides common core aligned lessons relevant to current objectives for this nine weeks.   

Click image above to link!

Here is a snapshot of what you'll find in this pack!

 Reading Lesson Included

 Writing Lesson Included

 Center Time
Sight Word Lesson and Practice
Math Lesson, Poster, and Activities