
Pumpkin Books

I'm super excited to bring you my newest unit.  It's packed full and sure to support a variety of learning lessons this fall.  Did you buy the Target Pumpkin Books? For a limited time, this file will remain free due to the already high price of buying the books. However, the books are no longer available in store so once the season ends, a price will be added to the unit.  After the price is applied, the unit will remain in your free downloads (only if you download during the free month). Additionally, the unit will show "owned" when browsing my store.  

See the picture post below for more details...

This will remain a freebie throughout the 2016 fall season. Grab your copy today!

Looking for additional fall resources?

Links to each unit embedded in the cover images.
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Fire Safety {A Companion}

This past week we worked on Fire Safety.  Had Hurricane Matthew stayed to the east of the state, I would have shared sooner.  Hope you find the unit useful in the coming weeks or years...

Please note: The books featured in this post are those that I found useful and worked best for me.  There are MANY different texts available that would supplement wonderfully for fire safety.  

If you are interested, a link to the unit is embedded in the unit cover.  Best wishes to you this safety month!

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Duck for President {Election Book Companion}

Captivate students with social studies themed fun while meeting learning standards with this ORIGINAL book companion for the story, Duck for President! This 162 page file is packed full of excitement. 

What's included...

A heavy dose of story vocabulary that will assist language learners with words such as farm, farmer, muck, chores, election, vote, protest, ballot, campaign, governor, speech, voting booth, president and autobiography.

Provided are several options for recording vocabulary words. Option one includes a vocabulary book with clipart images. Option two includes blank vocabulary response pages.  Option three includes one page of 12 vocabulary images for interactive notebooks.

Build background knowledge for elections with a KWL and a presidential Brace Map.

Develop understanding of the voting process.  Mini posters are included to discuss political parties. They're differentiated to support K/1 students with the two party system and 2/3 grade students with the formation of the parties.  Included are materials for students to register to vote, a registration card, and six different campaign posters.  

Students can practice voting with chart options, ballots, and data trackers for favorite fruits and pets. Also available are materials to vote for characters in the story and 2016 candidates. You will receive a sign for your own ballot box and vote stickers.

Students can work on ordinal numbers and become familiar with presidents by ordering the flashcards.  Older students can work to order the dates that the presidents were in term.

You'll find engaging comprehension response sheets with a story map, compare/contrast, story structure, character changes, understanding cause/effect and unwinding circular plots.

Encourage students to write a response with planning page and simple craft.  Students will be excited to see the final product.

Finally, this file includes fun sequence cards that match the vocabulary puzzles at the start of the unit.

If you're interested in this file, click the cover image at the top!
Wishing you the best this election season!

Thinking outside the box...

I want to share a new book that could be the spin you'd prefer for this upcoming election.  Heather Patterson, a teacher in Dallas, authored the story, Passing the Bone; America's Next POTUS.

Bo Obama, Pup of the United States, share the dos and don'ts of America's First Pup as he prepares to pass the bone to his successor. The entire nation is wondering, Who will be the next POTUS?

The story begins with Bo addressing his fellow canines for the final time.  He shares his accomplishments to include frequent doggy play dates with both foreign and domestic.

How can other canines can become the Pup of the White House?  Not only do you need to sit, stay and come, you must be born in the USA and patriotic.

A POTUS must act presidential.  The yard is wide and spacious.  The grass is temping.  There is no time for frolicking like a silly puppy.

Train yourself to a strict bathroom schedule.  No interrupting the President and No accidents in the White House.  {Teacher Friends, Can you relate?}

There are many pup perks that can make your tail wag.

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