
All About Numbers

I want to send a HUGE shoutout, thank you to my friend Kim Adsit.  She swooped in for the rescue with her All About Numbers and it's been a H.I.T!

Before working with her unit, I had my kiddos explore clocks, dominoes, and pennies.  In addition to our explorations, we discussed tally marks (attendance) and ordinal numbers (line-up strategies).  

I began each lesson with a counting book.  Then we created a chart whole group.  The kiddos were able to follow-up with their own reproducible books.  



Early finishers were given playdough numbers created by Leslie from Kindergarten Works.  My kinders went nuts!!!


Teacher Week: Friday Freebie

Included are parent contact form, parent contact log, student interest survey, behavior journal, and editable newsletter!!!


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Teacher Week: Therapeutic Thursday

Island Life

My Husband

My Animals




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Teacher Week: Where I Teach Wednesday!

 Superhero Theme 2012-2013

 Daily Five

My Office

Don't forget to link up at Blog Hoppin'


Teacher Week: Technology Tip on How to Create a Blog Button!!!

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The most frequent technology Q & A I've received over the past year has been how to make a button for my blog.  Another popular question has been about creating grab buttons, which for those that don't know the difference, it's a button where people can grab the code and place in their own blog.  I've uploaded this post as a document on scribd.  Click the first image and save pdf to your computer!  =D

You are adding:
 red (blog address), blue (blog name), green (imgur code)

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Teacher Week: Must Haves Monday!

Today was our first full day of school with a class of 20 Kinders.  Nothing breaks the ice better than fun and engaging songs. 
I've jammed this week full of  Jack Hartmann songs.  The first song we listen to was A Beautiful Day from his CD entitled Rhyming to Read.  The song is upbeat, lends itself to fun movements, and a great way to start every morning. 

Jack Hartmann also has a CD entitled Get on Board the Transition Train.  Oh.My.Word.  The kiddos is sure to chuckle when I introduce the song, Here's What You Do Do and You Don't Do when You Go to Use the Bathroom. Teaching transitions has never been so easy!  Who's the kid here?!?!

My lil Scotch Laminator has been a life saver!  With a part time media specialist, we are up a creek without a paddle when it comes to getting laminating!  I scooped up this guy for $25 dollars at Target.  Sam's Club had 200 high quality laminating sheets for $20!!!

I hope I'm not the only one that brings home way too much stuff!  My Vera Bradley Bags allow me to load up and ride out in style.  The weekender allows plenty of space!!!

I have a love hate relationship with Bulletin Boards.  I love cute and HATE having to replace the paper background.  Fabric has come to solve my woes!  It's durable and dependable. No more mid month patches!  You'll find fabric throughout my classroom.  Seat cushions, chair pockets, reading room, and bulletin boards!!!


So what are your must haves?

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