
Must Have Picture Book Linky Party

The Teacher Wife

Lindsey, The Teacher Wife, is having a linky party for Must Have Picture Books. All you have to do is click the image above to link to her blog!!!

One of my favorite books is Big Al!  This story is great for social development during the first days of school.  It can also be used to teach questioning!

 Click Image to Purchase

Big Al is a fish who wants to make friends! He tries everything he can think of to make friends, but nothing seems to work! The other fish are afraid of him because he is different. They all think that Big Al is very big and very scary! When Big Al comes to the rescue of the other fish when they get caught in a fisherman’s net, they realize what a great friend he really is!

Another book recently discovered but not recently released.  Actually, it was released in 1955. I snagged this bad boy after diving into Katie Wood Ray's In Pictures and In Words.  What a magnificent way to teach illustration techniques. This book was also referenced during the I Teach K National Conference by Shari Sloane!  

Click Image to Purchase

Harold is an inventive little fellow who devises his own path, invents his own moon to light his way, makes a boat when he finds himself enveloped in a purple sea, creates pies when he is hungry, and so on until he is tired. Thanks to cleverly leaving behind special images as pointers to guide his way, he makes it back home in one piece and with lots of exciting stories to tell.

The last book that I heart is Not Norman!  This book is FANTASTIC for teaching tone!  Tone is a manner, a feeling or atmosphere the author set in the story, or towards a subject.

 Click Image to Purchase

Norman the goldfish isn't what this little boy had in mind. He wanted a different kind of pet--one that could run and catch, or chase string and climb trees, a soft furry pet to sleep on his bed at night. Definitely not Norman!

Don't forget to link up with Lindsey by clicking the first image!


1 Lindsey (The Teacher Wife) said...

Thanks for linking up, Cheryl! I love Harold and the purple crayon, too!!

2 Ms. O said...

Confession time. I'd heard of Harold but hadn't ever REALLY looked him up (and I'm the school teacher librarian!) until we finally got an iPad in late May.
And you know what? The app is now one of my favorites. Just enough interactiivity but not so much to detract from the story. So I, too, will be sharing Harold with lots of kiddos come August!

3 Mrs. Saoud said...

That is Funny!! I just found the app this past week too! I haven't purchased it yet but gonna go take another look!


4 Barbara said...

WoW - what a fun list. I think there's another book in the BIG Al series now . . . and I've always LOVED Harold. Norman is new to me but it sounds FABuLOUS!!

May have to write a post for tomorrow and link up.

The Corner On Character

5 Unknown said...

Oh, I love Big Al!! I'm your newest follower:) I linked up too!

1...2...3...Teach With Me

6 Lisa R. said...

Harold and the Purple Crayon is one of my favorites! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

7 Mrs. Jankord said...

I have added Big Al to my wish list! Looks like a great book and I'm excited to check it out!

Mrs. Jankord

8 Rebecca said...

I'm visiting through the Linky Party. Don't you just love picture books?!!? I want to check Big Al out! I just might need that book! lol When I was young, I loved Harold and his purple crayon! I haven't read that book in way too many years!

Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,

9 Miss School Potato said...

Just purchased Big Al from Amazon! Can't wait to read it to my students the first week of school! Thank you for the recommendation, Cheryl!!

10 Mrs. Saoud said...

There is a second book called Big Al and Shrimpy. It's just as fabulous as the first.


11 Delighted said...

I have not read Big Al, so I need to put that book on my wish list. Harold and the Purple Crayon would be a favorite of my 1st graders.


12 Stacy said...

Aww I forgot about Harold and the Purple Crayon. That use to be one of my favorites when I first started teaching. I'm going to have to dust it off for this year and add it back into my must reads.
✰ Stacy

Simpson Superstars

13 The Writing Mama said...

I love your book choices! I read Not Norman for the first time during my student teaching and thought it was adorable!

That's So Second Grade

14 Courtney said...

I will have to check out Big Al! Looks cute!!!!

Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway!

15 Unknown said...

I love me some Harold and his purple crayon!!

❤ -Stephanie
Falling Into First

16 Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your recommendations :)
I'm your newest follower!
Creekside Teacher Tales

17 Carla said...

Another book in the Big Al series - I can't wait to check it out!
Playful Learning Brooklyn