
In Pictures and In Words {Part 4}

Wholeness of text can refer to 'keeping the end in mind'.  Katie states, "From the first word, to the last, whether there are fifty words or fifty thousand, a writer must always keep the text she is crafting in mind as a whole.  No part stands alone."  

An illustration should satisfy the same journey as the author by showing how the images interact with the text.  

I've found many examples of her techniques within Predictable Books.  The link will list book recommendations for each of the below categories.

Chain or Circular Story: Plot is interlinked so that the ending leads back to the beginning. 

Cumulative Stories: Each time a new event occurs, all previous events in the story are

Familiar Sequence: Organized by recognizable theme, such as: days of week, numbers, etc. 

Pattern Story: Scenes are repeated with some variation. 

Question and Answer: The same or similar questions are repeated throughout the story. 

Repetition of Words, Phrases, Questions & Sequences: Word order in a phrase, sentence, etc. is repeated. 

Rhyme: Rhyming words, refrains, or patterns are used throughout the story.

In the Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall, the birds play a role in the seasons that pass.  The books is not about the birds but rather the cycle of the the tree.  The illustrator is keeping tone, technique, layout, design and details consistent across the text.

As the spring season develops, the pictures zoom in to see more detail on the trees and the birds are closer in appearance showing the nest and eggs.  As changes occur (flowers blooming, petals falling), you'll begin to see changes with the baby birds taking flight. I love that the final picture shows an autumn tree with an empty nest.  There are no visible birds but the understand that they belong within the setting.  

 Building Meaning from One Idea to the Next
 Technique 25

The Magic Hat is another with a repeated illustration.
 The hat floats in front of the stars. 

The stars represent the magic.
Keeping Static Details Consistent
Technique 23

You can grab my final copy with all techniques through chapter eight below.  I've decided the illustration study has develop too much depth and cannot be accurately represented with clipart.  For my IPDP (individual professional development plan) for the 12-13 school year, I'll host the book study with faculty at my school.  My principal requested that I show student pieces as the illustration study progresses in school.  I will feature a Writing Wednesday segment that shares pictures of various techniques from our class illustration study.

Don't forget to link your post below...


1 Owl Things First said...

Thanks for hosting! I love your book choices!
Owl Things First

2 Liz said...

Awesome! I wish I was at your school! I would love to be in on that book study! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for an informative post, Cheryl. The link you posted is great. I've been re-reading chapters 1-6 over and over, trying to get it clear in my head. (old brain) The way I'm understanding things is that you begin with an illustration study and then pull your curriculum for mini-lessons from the observations the students noted. Is that the way you are understanding things?

4 Sara said...

I have to say that I didn't love this chapter as much as the others. I am not sure why. One of my favorite books is The Day It Rained Hearts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!! The author's words don't match the illustrations, but each tell a crucial part of the story! I believe it is a prime example of Chapter 9 particularly technique 26. Thanks for all the great book ideas. I just am thrilled to be participating in this study!

5 Kimberley Moran said...

Sorry! I took too long to get chapter 9 done so I can't link up. Here is the link to my Chapter 9. http://1stinmaine.blogspot.com/2012/07/illustrating-to-writing.html

✰ Kimberley ✰
First in Maine

6 Rachelle said...

Not sure where to link up, but here is mine!



7 Mrs. Saoud said...

Oh no. My subscription expired. Don't you just love that...?!?! When I get home, I renew my subscription.