In Pictures and In Words is divided into two sections: The Foundation of an Illustration Study and Illustration Techniques. With fifty different techniques, Katie Wood Ray has done a magnificent job at breaking them into five clusters. Cluster One: Ideas and Content; Cluster Two: Precision and Detail; Cluster Three: Wholeness of Text; Cluster Four: Tone; Cluster Five: Layout and Design.
In Chapter Seven, we will explore Ideas and Content. Each technique is written with a predictable format...
1. Something to Notice: one sentence statement about the illustration.
2.An Illustration Example: "something to notice" and book recommendation with an example.
3.An Understanding for Young Writers and Illustrations: a short discussion with guided questions.
4.An Idea for Trying it Out: Suggestions on how to implement technique with students.
5. A Writing Connection: Helps make the connection between writing and illustrating.
The authors of Teaching the Qualities of Writing wrote, "At its most basic, writing relies on the writer's ability to generate ideas. Even before a writer thinks of shaping, ordering, or detailing those ideas, she has to gather them in her mind". To write well, ideas are needed.
Ideas and Content has 12 techniques. I've created classroom posters to align with the techniques to give students a visual during their independent writing. I will need to purchase additional clipart to complete techniques 11 and 12 BUT will revise the document when the additional posters are created!
Click Image to Download Posters!
If you download, I'd love that you comment and let me know! =D
And Don't forget to link up with Mrs. Wills!!
And Don't forget to link up with Mrs. Wills!!

Loved this idea, I am going to make a copy of your posters, to use with my kids as a springboard for these concepts, but then have the kiddos making some drawings for me of the concept to use as anchor charts. I love how kids learn from seeing each others work in anchor form. Thanks for the great start on these concepts.
Sue, I like your idea of using them as a springboard for the various concepts.
I will create the anchor charts too. I worried a bit about the amount of space it may take for each technique to be displayed and figured I would put mine in an illustration binder and allow the kids to flip through.
Katie mentions to display work with the book to show comparison. I figured the illustration binder is where I'll also store the comparison behind the poster. Then the kids will have a visual of the poster, a sample, and the book comparison all at their independent writing center.
I'd love to read how everyone envisions their display of 50 anchor charts for the different techniques!
I love the freebie! Thank you. I plan on using it. I'll display it when I use that technique and then place them in a binder that that has page protectors. I'll make it easily accessible to the students, but I'll be able to use them year after year.
Owl Things First
Thank you Cheryl! Your FREEBIE is awfully cute! These will make wonderful anchor charts!
Mrs. Wills Kindergarten
Oh, wow! Your posters are fabulous illustrating the concepts! I do love the idea of using them in a binder with protectors for students to access. I'm sure they are like me, needing visual reminders to help with ideas!
This is awesome! Thank you so much for giving these away. I am sure they took you a long time to make. You are awesome!
<>< Crystal
Thank you for the wonderful posters! These will be so helpful in reminding me as well as my students throughout the year.
love your posters! thanks so much for sharing. come on over and say hi if you get a chance.
I awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award! Stop by my blog to accept it!
Thanks for the posters. I love them. I'm so excited about this book. If only I could find time to blog about it.
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten
These are super adorable. I'm waiting for my copy of the book to arrive, but I have loved reading everyone's comments and ideas and I can't wait to get into the book when it finally gets here!!
Thanks for sharing!
Wow! These are WONDERFUL! Thank you for your generosity!
Cheryl, thank you so much for the posters. They are beautiful and fun! I've downloaded them and will use them in some way in my classroom next year. I like the resource binder approach someone mentioned. (I can't keep everyone's comments straight.)
Also, thanks for your insightful comments on chapter 7. I have so much going on in my head right now, I can't seem to get out a coherent thought. I'm re-reading. (which I suspect I'll be doing again and again.)
You are AMAZING! (But you already know that I think that!) Thanks so much for these posters. I'll be putting them to good use this year!
Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives
These are great! Thank you so much for posting them as freebies!
Lil' Country Kindergarten
Kindergarten Network
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