
Daily 5: Chapter 2

There are six principles essential to implementing Daily 5...  

TRUST.  This principle develops as mutual respect between student and teacher is formed.  The start of my school year begins with district anchor lessons and goals of building positive behaviors in reading and writing.  Through these lessons, my students will gradually sustain more control of their learning.  With each lesson introduced, students will activate their schema and rely upon their previous learning experiences to have confidence in their newly acquired skill.  

I've worked to incorporate balance in my district anchor lessons and Daily 5...

CHOICE.  The only choice I've provided students would be literacy tubs adapted from reading Debbie Diller's Literacy Stations.  Each tub has a variety of scaffold activities for student to choose from.  This is called a controlled choice.  Students are still assigned a station to attend and rotate throughout the week.  I love the idea of choice as presented in Daily 5.  I'm still working on putting all the pieces together but found a few wonderful ideas through pinterest and wanted to share...

The idea pictured below can be used with the Captain Kid posters.  I can start the year with controlled choice and slowly release control as routines are established and trust is mutual.  

Response to Intervention Website

The next picture is linked to the how-to post.  You can learn how the poster was created and how the poster is used.  I love this concept because it incorporates meeting with the teacher.  She has offered her icons as a free download.  =D

Fabulous Flamingos in Second Grade

The next picture is my favorite.  I love using the smartboard as an option for students making a choice about their learning.  Once independence has been established and trust is mutual, I can see opening up this decision with 'big kid' technology.  The only problem presented would be the use of the board as an option for word work.

Tales from a K-1 Classroom

Just as I was going to publish this post, I found a wonderful files free for you!  Mrs. Meacham provides lots of freebies, pictures, and a smartboard file (pictured below) on her website.  Yay!

Choice begins with students understanding their plan for the day with five important questions. What are my goals in reading and writing?  Whom will I work with?  What will I accomplish?  What was I working on yesterday that I want to continue?  

Purpose + Choice = Motivation

COMMUNITY.  The concept of building community is not foreign to me.  I'm big on creating a sense of "family" and work to understand my students in and out of school. One of my favorite books to help build character and routines at the start of the year is Seven Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey.  We learn through our reading  that accountability and synergy is key for success!

SENSE OF URGENCY.  Humans are ingrained to ask why?  I was speaking to my colleague who says her two year old ask why so many times that she runs out of answers.  Getting results from students comes when we create a sense of urgency in learning by explaining why we do things. When students understand the reason behind the task then they become motivated and won't let anything get in the way of their success. 

STAMINA.  I love the analogy that stamina needed for the Daily Five is much like the stamina needed for physical exercise.  Understanding students fatigue in reading is similar to that of a person working out for the first time.  I've worked on student accountability and stamina for the past few year.  The kids maintain their own data notebooks.  SO I'm eager to incorporate class stamina charts or personal stamina charts this year.  

Ms. Fiorini's Stadium: All Star Ideas

Teaching with Style

STAY OUT OF MY WAY.  Oh.my.goodness.  I never thought about my interruptions throughout their independent practice.  While building stamina, I would circulate the classroom checking the progress, encouraging through praise, and giving reinforcement for on-task behaviors.  I interfered with their personal growth as the children looked for my acknowledgement to sustain reading.  It's no wonder I had a wonderful class but challenges with subs. 

This chapter was enlightening!  I see many areas of focus for the 2012-2013 school year.  I'm eager to reinforce these positive behaviors in Kindergarten and grow with the kids as we loop back to second together. So my question for you... How would you incorporate the questions highlighted in pink above with Kindergarteners?

Don't forget to link up your Daily 5 Chapter 2 post.  I'm eager to read your reflections!  You are welcome to link if you responded to other parties about Daily 5 Chapter 2.  Please take the time to link the post and not your blog.


1 Deanna Jump said...

Let's try this again!
Your posts are always so informative. I always learn so much by reading your reflections. I want to come and teach with you!

2 Mrs. Saoud said...

Deanna, you know where I live... Move back to Florida and we can make classroom magic! =)

3 Nilda said...

I'm pinning this so when I get a chance to finally read through my Daily 5 book, I'll have this post to refer to.

I teach in Duval too and will be starting at a new school teaching first grade ESOL. I'm hoping using the Daily 5 will make it easier for my kids to become independent as well!

4 Vanessa said...

WOW! Thank you! I want to give you the One Lovely Blog Award. I L-O-V-E visiting your blog and am so happy to be a part of this community. Come on over to my blog to pick it up!
Kindergarten Schmindergarten

5 smoran892 said...

Hey Cheryl,

I tried to link up... but every time I try it says my link is already up even though I don't see it!

Let me know if there is something I can do to fix it!

T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

6 Smarter Balanced Teacher said...

I just discovered your store and blog through the summer heat giveaway. I'd love the Fables Unit you made for figurative language.

7 Mrs. Saoud said...

Nilda, I'd love to meet you! I've had the honor to meet a few of my blog followers this past year for our IPDP. I went and observed their classrooms. Cool experience.

Susan, You are linked and ready to go. I LOVE YOUR POSTERS!!!!

8 Rachel said...

Wow! Thank you so much! This will definitely help me when I try to incorporate the Daily 5 this school year!

9 robyn said...

Wow! This is an awesome resource to have!
Thank you so very much for being so generous!!!

10 Tammy said...

I love Debbie Diller's Literacy Workstations book. I did her workstations when I taught first grade and loved them. It made a huge difference only having 2 students at a workstation. My life was changed. BUT now we have the FABULOUS D5 that I love and I too am trying to figure out how I am going to do my dailies with my second graders. I really want to try and give my students choice again. I too have been looking on pinterest and finding interesting ways that others are implementing it. Just not sure if I have found the right one yet for me. Thanks for sharing your pinterest finds. Some very good suggestions.
Also, I love your independent reading stamina graph. In my class last year, we graphed the whole classes stamina. It will be nice to have the students graph their own stamina. Thanks for sharing.

11 Marielle Slappe said...

Love that I found your blog and that you teach (somewhat) close to me! Congrats on your Teacher of the Year!! I had a Kindergartner that moved to your school last year :).


12 Nilda said...

Oh that'd be awesome to use each other as resources for IPDPs. I never thought of that. I always like going into other classrooms and observing. You learn so much that way!

13 make.share.give said...

Here's my post about chapter 2-
Love reading everybody's ideas!

14 Traci Clausen said...

Loved this post! "Stamina" and "Stay Out of My Way" are definitely my weaknesses. My goal next year is to improve MY end of things in this arena.

Thanks for such a great post!
❤Dragonflies in First ❤

15 Erica said...

HI there! I am a fab of Daily 5 and have been using it for years. I have many freebies and posts on getting started on my blog if you want to come and check it out. I am your newest follower.

Sprinkles to Kindergarten

16 LivinG To Learn said...

Great ideas! Trying to incorporate D5 into my preK schedule any suggestions would be helpful!

17 Heather said...

I'm new to Linky parties so just curious...when do we start commenting on Chapter 3? I'm so motivated right now and can't wait to hear what everyone else says about chapter 3! :)
Heather Langley

18 Nilda said...

I finally started reading the Daily 5! Thanks for sharing that resource that connects the anchor lessons. I'm so glad I found a fellow Duval teacher who is goin to implement this as well.

19 Carrie Dawley said...

Thanks for your insight on these sections! And for the links to some resources. I'm rereading the book myself this summer in an effort to find anything that I missed last year. Anyway.

I was looking up Seven Habits of Happy Kids because I'd love to read it... Did you know that there is a game that goes with the book? Now I want to buy both! Haha!

<a href="http://carriedawley.blogspot.com/>First Grade with Ms. Dawley</a>

20 Carrie Dawley said...

<a href="http://carriedawley.blogspot.com/>First Grade with Ms. Dawley</a>

(Sorry... I messed up my link. Go me. Lol)