
A Mouse and A Cookie {Cause & Effect Freebie}

Hey y'all.  Over the past few months, I've worked with my students on cause and effect.  This week, I pulled an oldie but goodie from my bookshelves.  I get so wrapped up in new stories that sometimes forget to share the series that have been loved by my students for years, so I finally introduced Laura Numeroff: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, Dog a Donut, Cat a Cupcake, and Moose a Muffin.  Most of my little learners hadn't heard of the stories so the wow factor high!

We simply read and discussed cause and effect for the first few days.  The kids enjoyed the circular stories and quickly made book trades since I have several sets of the series in our classroom library.  By Wednesday we were working on sequencing artwork and reading between the lines. The kids completed their own retelling cookie and worked with a partner to explain cause and effect as they sequenced to the next picture.

My students created their own response and crafted a puppet to use with their retellings by the end of the week.

All the resources can be found for free by clicking the cover graphic above!
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Fun with Conversation Hearts {Mini Book}

Just popping in to share a fun little file that pairs well with the Target mini books: heart shaped and square.  You will see a visual of all the pages included below...

If you're interested in this file, link using the cover below...

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