
Physical Science Interactive Journals

I sure hope you had a wonderful holiday!  I had a magnificent time visiting my family.  Not so wonderful moment when I broke my toe.  Since there isn't much I can do but put up my foot, I rested while finishing up the Physical Science Interactive Journal.

This journal is packed full of energy, matter, force, motion, sound, and so much more!  Take a peek for yourself...
 Click Image Above to Link

If you are interested, I added this file to the sale!

Earth Science Interactive Journal {K-2}

Are you science notebooking?  It's a district requirement in which inspired me to make the collection of interactive science notebooks. We began our lessons with the understanding science by building schema on scientist, senses, observations, and the scientific method.  This portion of the unit is available as a freebie sample of my notebooks.  You can access the freebie here. I will include this portion in each notebook {Life Science, Earth Science available now AND Physical Science and Space Science available soon}.  This portion also provides the background, journal cover, and table of contents.

Yesterday I finally loaded my second journal for Earth Science...
 Click Image to Link

If you missed my first post for the Life Science Interactive Journal {K-2}, you can link here to see all the images.