This past week has been a whirlwind. In one week I've squeezed in lots of content. I'm going to use my pictures to tell the story instead of my words...
Doubles, Near Doubles (sorry, forgot to update photo), and Doubles Rap.
Freebie here.
I found an image on pinterest that inspired me to chart my facts and led to a phenomenal lesson using race cards to switch our addends. The chart originates from The Good Life. You can see the pin here.
This idea originated from pinterest. Unfortunately, the link was broken. See the image here. It's truly been a HOOT walking into the classroom each day! If you have any idea who originated the idea, leave a link in the comments!
Still looking for an activity for Red Ribbon Week? Link here.

Loving my sweet girls and our weekly class meeting outside!
I used Owlbert since we are learning about owls. As mentioned on Instagram by a teacher follower, this could be used with Stone Soup too! The kids created recipes for their own books and put it in a cauldron.
We broke the narratives down into six lessons. Lesson 1: Begin Story Map. Introduced Characters, Setting, and a possible Problem. Work time consisted of Illustrations only. Lesson 2: Complete Story Map. Work time consisted of illustrations on what happens first, next, last. During the first two days, I strive for detailed illustrations with labels. Lesson 3: Introduction. I modeled the introduction (topic sentence) with a class story. Work time consisted of students writing a sentence that includes the character, setting, and possible problem. Lesson 4, 5, and 6 were how to write strong sentences featuring different craft (time cue words, onomatopoeia, etc) for each event. Day 7 is our conferencing day where kids share and fix (if needed) before we publish!
I filed away our narratives and hung our opinions!
Our lessons are broken down similar to how I taught narrative. We began with sticky notes so that we can organize our reasons correctly. Each piece of the story is broken into different days.
I love writer's
workshop and blessed that my kids do too! My class absorbs everything I
teach! I featured three papers in the narrative genre first. The same
kids are featured in the same order for the opinion papers. And below
are the same three kids and their papers from Kindergarten. #1 reason I love looping is the ability to analyze our old work and try to push beyond previous expectations!
I'm so sorry for the delay but finally loaded both Kindergarten and 1st Grade Homework.
Due to the shorten months and holidays, I combined the homework for November and December. The calendars still include a full month of content for both November and December. I plan to have my kids work optionally on the weeks we are on break. So often, I have parents request work for the weeks off. You can decide how you wish to use the file! Link by clicking each image above.
I found this gem at Target in the picture frames. I'm displaying a visual writing rubric in the pockets but I can see so many wonderful uses! Can you?