Hi!! I'm Mrs. Saoud
Tell Me A Little Something About Yourself:
I am born and raised in Florida. I'm 33 years old and married to a wonderful man. We have four kids of the animal variety.
I married my husband on Little Palm Island, 10 miles from the coast of the Florida Keys.The ceremony took place at sunset on Easter Sunday. How appropriate, NEW BEGINNINGS!
The whole day was a fairy tale!!
Here is our family
Meakah |
Baya |
Bagheera |
Brady |
Living along the Atlantic Coast, I love taking advantage of it's rich beauty. Whether its lounging on the pontoon boat or jumping the waves on a personal water craft, my husband and I enjoy hanging out on the water.
How Long Have You Been Teaching:
This is my seventh year of teaching. I'm excited to remain on second grade for my 2nd year.
What Might You Not Know About Me:
Crossfit workouts are what put me to sleep at night (and a little blogging). Crossfit is designed as a full body explosive. The principal strength and conditioning program was originally designed for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. The program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. My husband is a law enforcement officer and CrossFit has taken over our lives!
What Have You Learned From Teaching:
Create an Ouch Pouch. Unless it's a gusher, kids realize they really DON'T want to write about their ouch before receiving a bandaid. (P.S. They don't have to ask, they just write and receive...NICE).
Tell kids what you think you might forget. They WILL remind you at least 100 times before the end of the day!
On the flip side, DON'T inform if you CAN'T follow through. They WILL remind you at least 100 times each day of the week until the end of the school year!
Rubrics Change Everything! Embrace, Create, and Teach THEM. Results will follow!!!
Students will cut, poke, tear, or loose their eraser. I now cut the pink erasers in half at the start of the school year.
Allow students to take ownership of their learning and make decisions on what or how they learn. The rewards will exceed your expectations.
Hand a student a FLIP, Camera, or Video Recorder and allow them to capture their classroom in their perspective. It will teach you a thing or two and GUARANTEE a GIGGLE.
Art is soothing to ALL. Add more projects to your curriculum.
Anticipate 20 minutes but Plan for 30!