
Data Notebook

Win it before you can buy it!  I'm prepared to upload my Data Notebook to TpT.  I want to giveaway two copies before the sale on Monday.  I have family arriving shortly, so I will upload my document to TpT this evening.  

I will randomly select two people to win a copy of my Data Notebook tomorrow evening.  An entry can be made by following my TpT store.  If you decide to post about my Data Notebook, I will give you an additional entry.  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!

Tonight I will upload a few free documents to share.  With all the excitement today, I'm going to have to post a third time!  My apologies in advance!!  Until then...  Stay Cool!

Delicious Birthday Display

Inspired by my birthday, I created a display for celebrating birthdays. Yum! 

My husband and I worked on laminating and cutting out the file last night.  He purchased a Scotch Laminator from Target after a lot of not-so-discrete hints.  I'm certain he didn't expect that I would put him to work.

Place Value Wars and SpringHill Graphics


I've just uploaded a new place value work station to my TpT store.  Don't you just love the graphics?  SpringHill Graphics designs fun and whimsical characters.  Shelley has many fabulous graphics packages and a magnificent sale going on now!  

I purchased these wonderful graphics...

Going Batty
Lil Heros
Star Wars
World Children
World Children 2

SpringHill has many other fabulous packages perfect for primary classrooms...

Lil Bo Peep

Lil Red Riding Hood

Peter Pan

Mary had a Little Lamb


Math Work Stations: Chapter 8

MWS Chapter 8


HM 2nd Grade: Theme 3, Selection 4

I've completed the last selection for theme 3. I will work on the progress monitoring tomorrow! Jamaica Louise James is a wonderful story.

Theme 3 Jamaica Louise James

HM 2nd Grade: Theme 3, Selection 3

I've finished theme 3, selection 3.  The Big Bushy Mustache is one of my favorite selections from the school year! 

Theme 3 Big Bushy Mustache

Pirate Name Plates

School or classroom themes can be lots of fun.  I 'Explored New Waters' as pirates with my kids last year.  I've included a pirate name plate in my Friday Freebie.  Enjoy!

Pirate Name Plate

Global Missions

I'm very excited about my school theme entitled Global Missions.  This year my class will learned how reduce, reuse, and recycle and the impact this has on our planet.  Through rich global vocabulary, I expect that science will be exciting! 

You'll find a summary of items at my store! Click to Link!

I'm also providing a freebie...
Global Missions Freebie

HM 2nd Grade: Theme 2, Progress Monitoring

Theme 2 is now complete.  You will find all previous focus walls for free in my TpT store

Theme 2 Progress Monitoring

HM 2nd Grade: Theme 2, Focus on Fables

Theme 2 Focus on Fables

Student Interest Survey

After reading the next few chapters of The Book Whisperer, I was inspired to create a Student Interest Survey.  Click Image for the freebie!

HM 2nd Grade: Theme 1, Progress Monitoring

For my new followers, I've been updating my focus walls for next year.  I'm creating personal focus walls.  You can snag all of Theme 1 here.   Since Scribd is not working correctly, I'm providing a direct link to download in my TpT store.  All the focus walls are free downloads.


Math Work Stations: Chapter 6

MWS Chapter 6

Place Value