
Postcard Exchange

It's time to sign up for a postcard exchange!  The basic idea is to enlist 50 school teachers, one in each US state, and get their class to commit to writing and sending out 50 postcards. 

You'll need to send out 49 postcards to each state participating (you are the 50th).  This does require you to purchase postcards and stamps.  

If you find 25¢ postcards, that will be $12.50 in postcards, 40¢ postcards will run you $20, and 95¢ postcards will cost you $47.50.

Postcard stamps are 29¢ each, so the 50 stamps are going to cost $14.50.

Ms. Mathes and I would like to open up a postcard exchange to classrooms with a blog so that we can read blog post updates with pictures of cards received. 

The exchange is open on the first come, first serve basis.  Participants will include an introduction to their classroom and a fact about their state.  We would also like to include a line "want to learn more about _______, just Skype us at _____" OR "want to learn more about ______, just contact us at _______".

We would like all participants to mail out their postcards by the end of October.  The deadline is set to allow correspondence between participants through blogs, email, or Skype.  

Are you hooked?  Link here and see if your state is available and details on how to join the postcard exchange!  


1 Mrs.M said...

*Thumbs up* I'm so excited about this!!

2 Mrs. Saoud said...

This is the part that makes me sad. If the state is taken, this postcard eXchange wouldn't be available. I'm really sorry!! :(

I certainly hope this doesn't discourage anyone from following along with my class adventures!?!

3 Mrs. McHaffie said...

Anyone interested in starting another postcard exchange?! I'm from FL and would LOVE to participate in something like this!

Great idea Cheryl!!!

Beg, Borrow, Steal

4 Mrs. Saoud said...

Mrs. McHaffie,

I would be happy to send over any resources or advice on starting an exchange online. Email me! :)

5 Ms.M said...

I have a question. Do we have to send out all the post cards at the same time? In the same month? Or will they be sent on a staggered schedule? Also will you have only 1 class per state or will you take as many teachers that want to participate, ie:2 from NE or 4 from FL?

Ms. M
Ms.M's Blog
A Teacher's Plan

6 Mrs. Saoud said...

I've completed several exchanges. This is what I've learned. Sending the cards out at once is less confusing. Allowing the kids to participate in writing, coloring, or labeling the postcards will create excitement when received. I may receive a handful in one day but I stagger the postcards read to the class. I like to explore facts with the kids and make connections. Have an earlier deadline keeps teachers from forgetting and allows more time to pen pal, Skype, email, etc. I've participated in an exchange last year that had multiple cards come from the same state. The kids were more excited to learn about a new state than to receive the 3rd or 4th card from Ohio (which happened this year). Did I help?

7 Simply First Grade Fun said...

I would love to join from Minnesota. I'm looking forward to sharing this adventure with my first graders!



8 Katie said...

What a great idea! I would love for a second exchange since I am from California and it too was already taken. I don't have a blog, but I do have a classroom website to update the adventures. This will be so fun!!


9 Unknown said...

Yay! I'm from Montana and I see you still need someone from my state! My name is Jane Dews and my blog is mrsdews.blogspot.com. Can't wait to participate!

Anonymous said...

Texas is taken :(

I would LOVE to start a postcard exchange!! I teach kinder in Texas and just started a site for next year. Ms. Didier's Kindergarteners @ http://didierclasschronicle.wordpress.com

This idea is awesome!

Alexis Didier

11 3JBoyz said...

I am from NY and would love to do this as well!!
Is anyone else interested in doing it?


12 MrsWolf111 said...

Hello! I am a first grade teacher in Hamburg, NY (near Buffalo). I would love to take part in this if you still need teachers! I have a blog and I use Skype, Twitter, and have a classroom Wiki. Thanks!

13 Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

Best I can tell from reading your information, New Mexico is still available for the post card exchange. I'd love to represent the state. My school is on the Navajo Nation which encompasses New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. While our address is Arizona, we are actually directly on the NM/AZ border. As a matter of fact, I've been told the official state line runs through my classroom!

My info:
Second Grade
Tse'hootsooi' Elementary School
Navajo Nation
Fort Defiance, AZ 86504

Chris Yazzie

14 MrsWP said...

Would love to do an exchange, but CA is already taken. Anyone interested in an exchange with a 2nd grade class in CA please e-mail me!
