
Camping Work Stations

This morning I arrived early to finalize last minute details for Camping with Books.  While awaiting the kids arrival, I decided to lock the classroom door, cover the window with paper, and build anticipation for our thematic unit.  Several teachers popped in through the office door to explain that the kids were about to burst with excitement over the unveiling.  As we created ground rules, the kids looked like they were painfully  being punished and awaitig their removal from time out to play.

We completed a full rotation through our thematic work stations: observing and identifying the different parts of a ladybug, reading in the tents, creating a camp journal post in the rafts, adding words, playing bug off (Free TpT item), reading along at the listening log,  working on strategies with Kindergylnn's Dial a Word, creating campfire stories, computers, and designing insect crafts for our camp mural. 

This story is looking a little intense!

 I'm anticipating another fabulous round a thematic learning tomorrow.  We will have our end of the year awards ceremony in the afternoon and end with trail mix and an insect video from Discovery's Life series.


1 Little Priorities said...

Looks like you're having fun! My kids are loving the camping too. Tomorrow we're going on a hike with our journals. Hopefully, it'll be cooler. We have a heat index of over 100 today! It was a warm one!!

Little Priorities

2 Tracy said...


3 Maureen said...

Looks like a great time! We had a camping day in my class yesterday - I love how excited the kids get!


4 Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas said...

I love seeing this in action! Thanks for the post!

5 kevin said...

These are very cute. These camping activities for kids are mostly that I like. When I see this, I remember my younger times. What kind of camping tents did you used?

6 Esther Asbury said...

Looks like a lot of fun going on! Great ideas!