22 November 2013

Thankful Turkey Display

It's the time of the year when we begin voicing all that we are thankful for...   Today was no exception!  I love sharing a little more about myself with the kidlets as we grow in our second year together. I'm truly thankful for this wonderful group of kids!

We created this bulletin board display this afternoon while in rained on our recess fun.  Don't you just love their little faces has they say, "GOBBLE, GOBBLE"?

 I began a discussion on being thankful using the images below.  I displayed the images on the board and had the kids make connections to their own lives.  I really feel the kids walked away understanding what it means to be thankful.  Following our discussion, we colored the pages so that we will have a cute placemat for our stew next week. You can click the images to link to June Pfaff Daley's blog post.



I pulled this activity together at the last minute (thinking quick as the sun disappeared and being inspired by a cute pin that led me here). It's not perfect but you can see it does the trick.  I sure hope you have a wonderful holiday week!  Click the image below for the freebie file!



  1. I wish I could come up with such a cute idea that fast! Adorable!

  2. AH! I did something similar to this, but I LOVE the way the turkey looks with all the hands as the feathers!! Too fun. Thanks for sharing!

    Mr. First Grade

  3. Very cute and at the last minute idea. Looks like it took FOREVER to make =)

    Enchanted Kinder Garden
