27 July 2013

Bucket Fillers

Are you a bucket filler?

The above display was shared with me by Cheryl and Jen on Instagram.  You can create a display like the above using my colorful bucket option shown in the post.  Click the unit cover for a link to the file in my TpT store.


This has been a system of encouragement in my classroom since 2010.  The idea is to fill another person's bucket by being caring and uplifting through actions and words.  I love the following books on the topic and use them throughout the first month of school. To make your search a little easier, I provided Amazon links embedded in each image below.  

Implementing Bucket Fillers has never been so sassy!  Provided in this 30 page file are several print options to meet your classroom needs. 

The file contains a single page of colors with 4 buckets per page. Colors include Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Blue Green,  Bright Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Pink, Gray, and White.  This option allows for you to pick and choose your color options or select all white to save on ink.

Also provided are pages with the rainbow colors just in case you wish to mix it up a bit without wasting the ink on additional buckets in each color.

Print the Bucket Filler pennant to hang above your display.  The graphic images of the display coordinate with the student page for filling buckets.

This file is editable with highlight fields.  Please read instructions carefully when creating your editable buckets!

There are several ways in which you can display your buckets in class.  The images are found through a google search.  I use a shoe holder in which hangs on my office door and adhere the buckets to each pocket. If you love my file, you can find a link in the first graphic of the post. 

I've displayed mine in both color tones and white buckets in the past two years.  I personally prefer the shoe holder because it tucks nicely behind a door and allows for me to have my limited bulletin space for academics.

My sweet friend Cara from The First Grade Parade came up with cute peacemakers and peacebreakers charts to align with No David. She is such a talented artist!  I linked her post with a freebie start up guide in the images below.

My other sweet friend Alisha from The Bubbly Blonde has a cute freebie I plan to use this year.  This will provide a bit more background for Bucket Filling. A link to her post is provided in the graphic below.

With all the resources available today, I encourage you to look at Bucket Fillers and find whatever resources are right for you! There are plenty more than mine in the two freebies listed!  Have a terrific weekend.


  1. I need to add those books to my library. Thanks for sharing.

    Smiling and Shining in Second Grade

  2. These look amazing! Thanks. I need to add some of those books to my collection.
    First Grade Funtastic

  3. Clearly you are an expert bucket filler! Thanks for sharing these!

    Happy Bucket Filling!


  4. I am loving your graphics and the idea of the shoe holder. I inherited a denim calculator holder (I don't teach math) that I could repurpose for this. Yay! Thanks for sharing!

    Fluent in Fourth

  5. I really want to implement Bucket Filling in my classroom & this pack looks great. THanks for sharing with us.


  6. Cheryl
    THis looks adorable!! Just added it to my wishlist. I need to pick up a couple more Bucket Books ;) Thanks for the titles!!
    Lory Evans

    Lory's Page

  7. love love love bucket fillers! i'm hoping to do a better job at using it this year in my class :) you're inspiring!

  8. I LOVE this book, and I've been looking for a way to keep this going throughout the year. This is a great idea, and one that's totally manageable for first grade! Thanks so much!

  9. What a cute idea! Love how each student can have their own bucket and yet it doesn't take up a lot of space (that always held me back before)!

    Sprinkled in Second

  10. Who knew there were so many other bucket filler books! I especially love the A-Z and around the world ones! Thanks for sharing!

    The Polished Teacher

  11. Your Bucket Filler labels are just precious!!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  12. This resource is so cute. I sent the link to my school social worker! I wanted to ask you, do you have a good tutorial or tip for making something secure yet editable? Any tips would be much appreciated.

    Happy to follow you!
    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids
