28 April 2013

Teacher Talk Tuesday on Instagram

Do you Instagram?  I do!!!  I began this adventure in March of 2012.  I wasn't really sure what I was getting into at the time.  The site seems like a twitter account but with photos instead of words.  In the past few months, Instagram has exploded.  There are many wonderful teachers sharing photos of happenings in their classroom on the site/app.  When I first started, I wasn't sure the direction this account would take so I signed up as Primary Graffiti instead of Cheryl Saoud.  I thought I was being sneaky and that no one would ever know that I'm on another social networking site!  LOL!   I began with LOTS of personal pictures.  Then I transitioned to pictures in my classroom.  I loved how Instagram beautified my photos so I transitioned back to personal snapshots.  Basically, I have no idea what direction I'm taking my Instagram account.  I just know that it makes the pictures look amazing, and I can see so many wonderful pictures from accounts that I follow.  If you are interested in following along, you will get a melting pot of personal and school photos to view.  Click image below to link!

Teachers are coming together for Teacher Talk Tuesday on Instagram each week.  All you have to do is post one picture from your school day and use the hashtag #teachertalktuesday.  The hashtag will assist you in finding more teacher Intagram accounts to follow.

Both What a Teacher Wants AND Apples and ABC's are hosting a linky party so that you can find many wonderful Instagram users before Teacher Talk Tuesday begins.  Hope to see you there!!!!


  1. Camera bag is making me drool :)
    My Second Sense

  2. YAYAYAY!!! Thank you SOOO much for linking up!!!! LOVE U!

    - Rachelle
    What The Teacher Wants

  3. I'm excited about the Instagtam link up. I also have a mix of personal and teaching pics. My username is bremarsh930. :)

  4. Woot Woot! So excited you linked up! :)
    Apples and ABC's

  5. Found you through the instagram linky. I checked out your instagram and there's some awesome stuff there. I'm your newest follower.



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