29 March 2013

Five for Friday: Spring Break Edition!

Warning: Zero School Content in this Post!!!

1.  Time with the girls I love most!  

2. Sunset Dates with my Husband!  Island Life!! 

3. Insanity?!?  Getting my mind right for the next 60 day: nutrition and conditioning program!!!

4.  Spring Plantings.  I'm Easter Presentable!!! 

5.  Lantern!!!  I designed this lantern in St. Augustine today.  The color blend, shape, and pattern... all my brain child.  The lantern comes with a 15 foot cord and an LED light.  I shared my reading room makeover last week.  <---- Has it already been a week?!?  Yikes!   So, what do you think of the lantern?

And, the reading room ((again))!
I'm bothered by the pictures on the wall.  A bit off centered.  Geesh, I should switch the canvas. I'm not sure the rocket hung below the cityscape makes much sense!  

Don't forget to link up with Kacey!


  1. Looks like you're getting in some relaxation time! I absolutely LOVE the reading room - wonky pictures and all! :)

  2. Love the reading area!

    The lamp you designed is so cool! Very cool design and I like the colors!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  3. Love the lamp but that picture of your girls is simply precious. Happy Easter!

  4. So much to love! That lantern is fantastic. It looks like you had an awesome week!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  5. I love your lantern and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your reading room even more!
    First Grade Funtastic

  6. Cheryl, I LOVE that lamp!! It will look perfect in your room! Did you make the paintings yourself or buy them. Everything looks lovely in there :)

  7. Love your lantern. I need to plant some spring flowers.

    Smiling and Shining in Second Grade

  8. Target has the paintings! I picked them up for under $8.00! Even the large one on the door! It's an ABC canvas!!!

  9. I love the lantern, and I'm still in awe of your reading room! So cute!
    Peace, Love, and First Grade
