27 December 2012

Tech Inspired Resolution

It's an exciting week of resolutions hosted by a few of my gal pals! Today is all about adding a bit of technology change in my classroom.  A few new additions for the remainder of 2012-2013 school year includes an iPod Touch, a Lite Brite, and a Tag by Leapfrog.

A new app I've recently included from my iTunes gift card is the highly rated Word Wizard.  Putting my new gifts to use already!!!  This unique app lets kids hear the sounds of letters and words using a talking movable alphabet. It includes advanced text to speech capabilities, the app can pronounce and spell-check an unlimited number of original words and sentences built using the movable alphabet.

Word Wizard also provides spelling practice with a list of more than 1,400 questions and answers, and the best is that you can add your own words to create any spelling quiz, and track the progress of your kids thanks to detailed reports.

A new work station includes building words with Lite-Brite!  The linked site allows for the letters or words to be constructed on the computer, printed, and arranged on the Lite-Brite flat screen.  The endless excitement of my childhood becomes a learning tool for my kindergarteners. My heart melts! 

I also scooped up the app for Lite-Brite!

Another work station included in my reading center is Tag by Leapfrog.  I have multiple reading stations: buddy benches, independent reading room, listening log, and technology tent.  My technology tent includes different systems similar to Tag.  To assist with reading while building independence, Tag will help my students sound out letters and build phonics skills, hear individual words, or read the story to develop reading comprehension and vocabulary.  You'll love the leveled library of books to select from to ensure students are reading appropriate text. 


Kathleen from Growing Kinders is hosting a linky today.  She also has two giveaways featured!  One ends tomorrow so don't delay! 


  1. LOVE the light bright idea!! I can use it on the ipads, but I think I might order some light brights for my classroom! HOW FUN!!

  2. Hi,
    I love following your blog and am so inspired by your creativity. I am wondering if you can help me? I have been trying to acquire a copy of Santa's Stuck (which I know you use in your classroom). I don't know if it is because I am in Canada, but it's been a futile search unless I want to spend over $50.00 for a 'rare' copy. Is there any hint you can give me so that I can get my own copy for my class? Thanks!


  3. I purchased my copy at Books-A-Million for $4.95 last Christmas. I've purchased an out of print book on my iPhone/iPad with the Nook App. Reindeer Rebellion (a book I had trouble locating) was purchased at Barnes and Nobles. They are affiliated with Nook which is why I picked up the Nook App for free. I was able to read and project the images of the book.
