11 March 2012

Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun Unit

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I've completed my second unit for Maria Dismondy!  I just love her books!  Here is a preview of the book...

If you are interested in her book, you can purchase it here When ever you purchase Maria's books from her website, you'll receive an autographed copy!  =)  Check out the FREE 29 page Spaghetti Readers Guide!!! 

Thank you for being a loyal follower.  If you are interested in this unit, I'm going to giveaway two copies.  As a bonus, I'm throwing in my Pink Tiara Cookies for Three Unit.  

All you need to do to enter is create a comment on how you've had to be courageous!  I will announce the winner on Monday.


  1. Wow! Great giveaway! Hoping to win since I have both books:) I remember when my husband was deployed and I just had a new baby and we also just bought our first house. Having to deal with everything that comes with a new baby and house was not easy, but I knew I had to stay strong while he was away. Also, I had a few students whose fathers were also deployed and had to give them some encouragement to be brave too!

  2. Sorry forgot my email:


  3. I love this book! I read it with my class and we had a GREAT discussion about being brave and making hard choices. I have had to be courageous when my husband was battling cancer and I still had to work and take care of our then 2 year old while going back and forth to the hospital to be with him. Of course, I had a lot of support from my family during that time. Thankfully he was courageous too, and has been a 4 year survivor!

  4. Love her books!! I have been courageous at school in stepping out and speaking my mind with what I believe is best for my students...I don't like to normally rock the boat, but I felt I had been doing a disservice to my students by doing what always had been done. Let's hope it all works out!

    An Education Lasts a Lifetime

  5. I had to be courageous when I left the working world and returned to school to become a teacher. Phew! I was very scared and worried, but I had to push forward to finish. Definitely worth the fear! :o)

    jennkeys @ gmail . com

  6. These look super cute!

    I have had to be courageous for my dad, who just finished a second bout of pancreas cancer. He beat the terrible disease seven years go, but in November we found out he had a late recurrence on his lung. So, I have had to be courageous for him so our whole family can beat pancreas cancer. Twice!!!!


  7. I think that people are courageous in different ways. As a child, I was courageous by standing up to people that tried to bully others.

    As an adult, its courageous to be different. I stand up for my beliefs and never caved to peer pressure.

    As a mother, it was holding my feelings together in front of my children through a rough year...including the loss of my father to cancer and many more issues.


  8. In the face of sickness with my husband, mother, father and the closing of my school for low enrollment.... I have several books that keep me encourage. Thanks for it all. sharon.washington96@yahoo.com

  9. Oh, I just bought this book! Your unit looks amazing.

  10. One of my all-time faves! And your units are always so amazing!! Courage . . . ooooo, I'm not very courageous actually. But I have had to initiate and engage in a few tough conversations with parents lately that have stretched me in ways I didn't know were possible. Here's to stepping out and CARE-fronting people in a courageous way. Thanks for your continued inspiration.


  11. Oh I love these books. It's hard to be courageous but I've had to be courageous when confronting parents about their child's strengths and weaknesses.I show courage when I meet with parent's about their child's progress or lack of. I've had to retain a child because I knew he was frustrated and not ready for the next grade level.

  12. Hmm...on my first day of teaching. So nerve-wracking!


  13. I had to be courageous when I was being bullied by my co-op teacher when I was in my first placement of student teaching. No joke! Bullies will be bullies, young or old.

    Third Grade in the First State

  14. I am NOT an outgoing person...so many things take a bit of courage on my part:-) In searching for a new home church, I had to venture to many churches (on my own) and meet people and find a church that fit me. Scary:-)

    Chickadee Jubilee

  15. I have to be courageous each time I am in a confrontational situation!


  16. One of the most courageous choices I had to make was when I was 4 months pregnant with our 2nd child. My husband and I were told that the baby only had a 5% chance of surviving the rest of the pregnancy. Doctors told me to rid my pregnancy and start fresh. My husband and I decided to let go and let God take care of what He wanted. With prayers and faith my baby is now 26 years old and 6'4" tall.

  17. I absolutely HATE getting up in front of groups to talk. Last weekend I had to be courageous when I got up at my dad's funeral to read what his sister had written about him. She couldn't be there because she is battling cancer and just had surgery and is getting chemo.


  18. Thank you for introducing me to a new author! I think bookdepository.com will be thanking you, too. ;)

    Courage....walking into the courtroom when your son has messed up....walking into a new school after the move so your kids can get to know their grandparents....walking into the hospital when you know that it will be the last time you see your Dad....

  19. This is a great giveaway! I have had to be courageous at school sometimes.....I always wonder if it is just best to keep my thoughts to myself or share concerns with others? That is so difficult to do when you see people you love and care not making the best choices! OH well!


  20. Great giveaway! I just love your blog and your TpT store!
    As far as being courageous, I am being courageous by keeping a positive attitude while being diagnosed, treated, and eventually prepped for surgery at Mayo Clinic. My two young sons are being courageous by being willing to pack up each week to head to Jacksonville, a four hour drive from our home. It is hard to try to homeschool while going back and forth each week but yet, they have had a wonderful attitude, never once complaining about things. They are being very strong for their mama, who in turn is doing her best to be strong through it all for them.
    cmbmomof2 at yahoo dot com

  21. As a new teacher, I still get butterflies when presenting a new lesson. However, I have my morning pep talk with God, my husband, and close friends and all is well!


  22. First, great giveaway! I'm a new follower of your blog and a newbie blogger myself! I had to be courageous when subbing during a day where there was not one but two tornado drill/scares. I think the teachers were pretty nervous too but we had to keep it cool for the kids. Thank goodness no one was hurt, which we were all thankful for!


    Sparkles, Smiles, and Student Teaching

  23. I have had to be courageous numerous times in my life....but I have one coming up that I pray I can face this situation with courage. We have had our black lab since 1998. Just last week, our vet told us it is probably time to "make a decision" about him....he has very big tumors that cannot be operated on....All of my family is so sad....This friend was there when I had a knee surgery and I had to use crutches to get to the bathroom. He literally spotted me all the way to the bathroom and back. He also knew somehow, he could not get in bed with me. So, he would be standing by my bed with his head on me to offer comfort. Now, I have to be courageous and hold my loving friend as I say goodbye to him at the vet's office. This one is going to take a LOT of courage and probably with be carried out with a lot of tears. :(

  24. Sorry, forgot my e-mail: bertabert2003@yahoo.com Thank you.

  25. Love this giveaway! I just received the book, so I would love your activities!
    My courageous moment was when my father was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Three years ago we were told he had cancer. He went through chemo and the cancer ended up coming back that following year. He then needed a stem cell transplant and luckily it was successful. He is now cancer free! It was a very hard time where we all had to be courageous!

  26. Thaanks for introducing me to a new author. I can't wait to check the books out! Last year I started grad school! I am a part of a cohort of teachers in my school district. I feel like I have to be courageous each and every time I go to class and tackle an assignment! I'm surrounded by a group of great teachers that hold many accolades! To be a part of this group is intimidating, but worthwhile!

