19 November 2011

Day Three of Thanks!

Five days and counting down until Thanksgiving. I love Saturdays. I'm thankful for the extra hours of sleep. I love waking up to the sunbeam, ever so slightly, peeping between my blinds and teasing me about the day I'm missing. I'm grateful that I didn't hear my alarm! I pull myself out of bed, stumble to the living room, hair a hot mess, eyes glazed over, and pull out the computer. Yes! I'm an addict. I'm thankful for my husband which so kindly gets fresh, hot Starbucks every Saturday morning. No Double Shot today! I'm thankful to have the time to sit and drink my tall non fat mocha with no whip cream. The first sip is delicious. I'm grateful for the warmth the drink provides me on this cooler day. FALL. On Fleming Island, we are experiencing fall like weather. The trees are beginning to turn various shades of red and orange. The fruit on our six orange trees are perfect for the picking. The grass has stopped growing which allows me to be thankful for not having to do yard work. I sit this morning looking at the water, listening to the sounds of the kids participating in the community Turkey Trot, and thinking about my family coming to visit on Wednesday. I'm thankful for the DVR which has stored all my favorite shows that I may watch until kickoff time. FOOTBALL. I don't know who loves it more, my husband or I. This usually means uninterrupted time to work, blog, and shop online. I'm thankful for so many things this Saturday morning. What are you thankful for on Saturdays?


  1. Your home town always sounds so lovely!!

    I love the same kind of things...extra time to drink coffee and sit around with the dogs happily lounging by our feet. Catching up on blogs and DEFINITELY online shopping (may have spent a bit too much this past shopping trip!). LOVE football too, but we are waiting 'til Monday for the Pats around here!

    I am thankful for being home after a long week :)

  2. I'm thankful for babysitters! (we have one coming over today so we can go and enjoy some much needed alone time...even if it is for just an afternoon =)
    ...I have to say I am pretty partial to Saturdays, too!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. I LOVE Saturdays, too! I am jealous about your Starbucks - I'm drinking the home brewed variety but the Limited Edition Cinnabon creamer makes it all better!!! As well as blog stalking!
    I need to see your town!!!!!
    I am also thankful for our Winter Weather (gray, cold, windy which is slightly unusual in CA).
    Happy Saturday to you!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  4. I, too, love Saturdays. I am drinking some home brewed Maxwell House coffee though. I love the white mocha with nonfat milk and no whip. Maybe I'll send my husband tomorrow morning. :)
    I'm thankful for this precious little miracle inside my belly that constantly lets me know he's there. I'm 31 weeks pregnant. Happy weekend. (GO BIG BLUE & GO ILLINI)

  5. I love reading what everyone is thankful for! Mrs. Neal, CONGRATS. What a precious gift to be thankful for.

  6. I'm inspired by you, as always, Cheryl - I LOVE the Cinnamon Dolce though I'm having to make my own pretend Starbucks with budget constraints these days. How kind of your husband to snatch that coffee for you.

    I slept in until 8:20 - decadent!!! And I'm watching WI try to catch Illinois in college football action . . . and knitting some baby caps for preemies in developing countries. Knitting is SUCH great therapy! Grateful to be duty-free for a week.

    Happy Thanksgiving. Barbara

  7. I so enjoyed catching up on your blog! I have also enjoyed your "Really Good Stuff" stuff!
    Lately we've been so blessed, I am thankful for finally moving into our new home, my full-time teaching job, tutoring, being the team leader, my TPT Shop, my 2 teenagers' successful & healthly school year, my amazing hubby and my new convertible. I think of you each day as I drive home in this great weather with the roof down, I turn left at the light in front of your neighborhood! Oh...and I'm thankful for a 5 mile commute! :)
    Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours!
    Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!

  8. I am thankful for you and your blog. I loved reading this post. Your morning sounds so wonderful and beautiful.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan
