17 October 2011

Rockin with Doubles

Its the Doubles, Baby! Nearly a year ago {2010}, Heidi Samuelson from Swamp Frog First Graders posted a video tutorial about how to create an iPod case from an envelope for flashcards. You can link here to see her post.  I love the idea but wanted to add a doubles chant for our doubles flashcards.

If time permits, the kids can decorate their own pod design.

I'm including a copy of my flashcards and the double chant.

Doubles Rap Saoud

Today we listen to Harry Kindergarten's doubles video.  We had it on repeat during the iPod assembly.

This year {updated 2012}, I gave each child a menu button...


    We just learned doubles as a strategy.
    The kids keep looking at me with twisted faces.
    This will definitely help untwist them!!!!
    Thank you for sharing <3

  2. This is adorable! Thank you so much!

  3. I saw this yesterday and had to try it immediately. The kids LOVED it!

    ❤ Karen
    Flamingo Fabulous in Second Grade

  4. Love the idea of putting the rap on the envelope!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. This is from the Saxon Math series. We use Saxon math and that's how we teach the doubles. Great idea, and thanks for sharing!

    I have a doubles math activity available for free on my blog:

    A Teacher Always Grows

    It's part of my "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown mini-unit!

  6. Loved this!!!!!!!!!!

  7. i think my kiddos are going to love this!

  8. Cannot wait to do this! I've been doing the Harry Kindergarten song (which they love), but I'm really loving the iPod! :)
