03 November 2012

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books

The hardest thing is preparing meaningful activities for subs.  I finally received each of my Swallowed Books from Scholastic.  Oh my word, I'm overjoyed!  I'm in the process of creating lessons that can be used by the classroom teacher or left for a substitute on those unpredictable days!  

Each book in the series aligns with a theme that will take kids on a fantastic journey through predictable texts throughout the school year.  Each lesson is aligned to common core standards and units will progress as the year moves on! 

Up first,

Content includes vocabulary, predictable text, retelling, response to literature, ordinal numbers, time cue words, and center ideas. Also included is an emergent reader. 

Happy Teaching!


  1. Gulp, I like you on Facebook. I love these sub ideas. Thanks, Jill

  2. Looks great! (both the unit and the FB page.) My kids LOVE these books! They eat them up! Gulp!
    (but the best part is the burping them back up!)
