07 May 2011

Music Supporting Curriculum

Lindsey at The Teacher Wife asked what kind of music we use in our classroom.  I just love Sam Jones: Puppy Dog Blues.  Sam Jones has been teaching for more than 15 years in California and is well known for using music to supplement his curriculum.  

My county adopted Duval Reading by Houghton Mifflin.  I did back flips three years ago when I was introduced to Sam Jones by a teacher on my grade level.  He has adapted Houghton Mifflin basal selections and infused the songs with weekly high frequency and vocabulary words.  The songs are sung to familiar tunes and the kids quickly caught on!  I also found an increase in comprehension and often see a student singing to themselves while taking their selection test.  Funny!

While making our Mother's Day gifts, I filmed the students working and singing various songs.  I edited so the videos wouldn't be so long to view.  If you use Houghton Mifflin, I HIGHLY recommend you invest the $10 for any of his CDs.

Jennifer at Rowdy in First Grade asked a great question in my comments.  The songs are TOTALLY worth purchasing if you don't have Houghton Mifflin.  Please read below see a few stories featured in Sam Jones CDs. 

 1st grade songs and a video of my kids singing a few...

 2nd grade songs and my students singing a few...

Sam Jones does have 3rd grade songs available.
I haven't purchased this CD.


  1. i LOVE this!!!! i will def. be featuring it when i do my music post! thanks for all this info, i will have to check it out:)

  2. We don't have Houghton Mifflin- would it still be worthwhile to purchase his cd's?

  3. Yes. The stories align with HM but our stories include many favorite touchstone Text. It has Red Eye Tree Frog, Me on a Map (Joan Sweeney), If you Give a Pig a Pancake (Laura Numeroff), Julius (Angela Johnson), Henry and Mudge (Cynthia Rylant), Officer Buckle and Gloria (Peggie Rathman), Tundercake (Patricia Polacco), The Art Show (Tomie DePaola), among a few great stories.


  4. Am I the first to comment on your TBA post for the 'What's the Probablity I'll get to the Moon?' Maybe someone else did on an older post...I'll check. Thanks, Nancy
    The Apple Basket Teacher

  5. I am so excited!!!! This is the perfect addition, not only for whole group, but for the listening center!
