03 April 2011

Cinderella is still Happily Ever After

Destination: Little Palm Island, 10 miles from the coast of the Florida Keys.  Little Palm Island was a fixture for President Harry S. Truman and his wife Bess visiting more than 16 times while in office.  President John F. Kennedy also visited the island during the making of PT 109 which was a film about his life as an officer for the US Navy during World War II. He had influence on power and plumbing to the island from the mainland which has put this tropical delight as a FAVORITE destination!

It only took 32 years to walk down the aisle.

The ceremony took place at sunset on Easter Sunday.  How appropriate, NEW BEGINNINGS! 

The whole day was a fairy tale!!

A year later and Cinderella is still Happily Ever After.


  1. I love your Cinderella story...congratulations! I hope you have a perfect day full of many blessings! :)

  2. Beautiful! Happy anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary! :)

  4. Beautiful!


  5. Your photos are gorgeous Cheryl! Happy Anniversary!! Hope y'all had a great time celebrating. :)
