Bugs in my Hair

Hair buggies terrify me! I know I shouldn't feel terror but it's there.  At the start of each year, I discuss hair bugs and the importance of keeping our hands to ourselves, especially on the carpet during my mini lesson.  Think-Win-Win.  Explaining hair bugs helps eliminate the overwhelming desire to touch the long lox of a darling sitting in my mini lesson.  At the same time, I eliminate a possible distraction and ensure attention is received from each child.  Just recently, I read an article on Woman's Day entitled 10 Things You Didn't know about Head Lice and was surprise by the myths I believed in. 

There are many wonderful tools to assist with your planning.   5 Creepiest Bugs That Could Live on You provides a magnified image of a Bedbug, Flea and Tick, Mosquito, Dust Mite, and Head Lice.  Oh.my.word!   I didn't like the look of the buggies in it's life size glory.  Magnifying the view has led me in a downright itch.

I heart Brainpopjr.  I pay $8 a month for unlimited videos.  My membership includes the use on one device.  Since I only show a video for engagement or introduction to a new topic, it's shown whole group.  Each video has a lesson link, activity, and game to go with the topic.  I shared a video this past week on Brainpopjr entitled Lice.

PBS Kids teaches students about head lice with Arthur, a beloved series of books tackling various health topics. Arthur Presents Hooray for Health: A Health Curriculum for Kids.  The files provides background for each topic, book recommendation, lesson ideas, family connections, response pages, coloring sheets, and more.  I recommend downloading!

I'm thrilled to share a MUST have book for your health collection.  Bugs in my Hair is written by David Shannon (in stores now).  This story is perfect for kids in PreK through 2nd Grade.  The illustrations are vivid and the content is creatively delivered with a humorous twist.  This story was an absolute hit with my students!

Who wouldn't fall in love with a book that has Lice-Apalooza referenced inside!?!
 Art © David Shannon 2013. All Rights Reserved.

I'm over-the-moon with excitement in offering one winner a copy of  David Shannon's Bugs in my Hair, Bad Case of the Stripes, and No David!  Yep, all three!!!  However, the giveaway is only open to persons with a US address.  I'm sorry fellow followers from other countries!  Prizes and samplings courtesy of Scholastic.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please visit the official website of Bugs! David Shannon cracks me up in a video discussing the book and his experience with Hair Bugs. You can read more about David Shannon and his books on Scholastic.


Teaching in the Tongass said...

I didn't know about this book! Thank you for sharing!

Teaching in the Tongass

Mr. M. said...

This book is great!

Miss~Jenn said...

Looks like a fun way to teach about an unfun topic! I usually just stress keeping our hands to ourselves to keep away from germs

Unknown said...

I usually give a talk about how we should keep our hands to ourselves and no sharing hats, headbands or other clothing. We had a case the first week this year, so the nurse helped explain as she came in to check the class.

Unknown said...

We had a horrible lice issue last year and my school has decided to do monthly checks this year. I could use this book so my firsties don't get freaked out when it's check time! LOVE it!

Becky Fraser said...

This book looks great! Thank you for sharing as I had not yet heard of this book and it would be so helpful to read at school. (I am itching just reading this blog post) :-)

Anonymous said...

I love a bad case of stripes!

Unknown said...

I love David's Amazing Christmas Extravaganze book! Such a creative way to teach about lice. I must get this book for my first grade class!

Unknown said...

I love No David! :0)

alwayskindergarten said...

I LOVE everything David Shannon. We have monthly lice checks and after every school holiday so our kiddos get very used to getting checked. It's just a reality in schools today.

Unknown said...

I love the No David! book. He is ugh a character!

Unknown said...

I love "No,David" a good resource to use when making class rules with students.

First Grade Funtastic said...

I may not sleep tonight! I am itchy just reading this! I have fear of lice, bed bugs, etc. My 9 year old son is terrified of bed bugs because of me...he NEVER wants to go to hotels. He always asks me to google the hotels that we are thinking of going to to see if any people mentioned bed bugs. Terrible...I know!! I need this new book.

heather said...

This looks like a great book as we have this problem every year! I've never seen it before. Thanks for sharing!

teachermom said...

LOVE, "A Bad Case of Stripes"

danae said...

I love Bad Case of the Stripes. We don't have a big lice at my school. Almost 80% of them are minority and aren't prone to getting lice :)

Mrs. Brown said...

I would love this book! I love No David....my Kindergarten students always laugh!


Unknown said...

I like No, David. My kiddos think it is funny.

Lisa Feikert said...

I like David Goes to School. The kids are so amazed at how he acts, yet some of them are acting the very same way!

Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

Anonymous said...

I too like No, David. I have never thought about formally teaching about lice- it's usually just quick snippets or warnings. Carol cpolston3@yahoo.com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing about the book. As a Library Media Specialist I like to use David Shannon as my author of the month every few years and cannot wait to add this to the new selection.

justhave2teach said...

OH my word!!! I NEED this book!!! I end up with someone EVERY year with lice and we kind of "avoid" the subject, and I always feel guilty for that...I need to teach about it, and this book looks perfect! Naughty David helps us every year learn about rules, so it's perfect for one of his authored friends to help us learn about those "bugs" too!!!

Yukari said...

I've never taught about lice before but that is such a smart idea to relate it to touching each other's hair (which drives me crazy!)

I think my favourite David Shannon book is "No, David!" The kids just love it!

Julie Wiersma said...

I love all his books! My favorite is David goes to School. These books are favorites in my book boxes and I usually end up purchasing several copies every year because they wear out. I think your idea to teach about lice is excellent. I would love this and all the books in the pack! Unfortunately you now have me thinking my head itches.

Shanda Boreson said...

I have not read Shannon's new book yet, but I am very excited to, I love his work! I think my favorite would have to be A Bad Case of the Stripes!

tori. said...

I love Bad Case of Stripes! I just did a writing unit on it!

Megan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Megan said...

I like the No David books. I have never heard of this book but it looks good. Of course it might make my head itch as I read it though. :) We don't really teach much about lice just talk to them about not sharing hats, brushes, etc.

Krista said...

I love Pirates Don't Change Diapers. Thanks for the chance to win.

Tania said...

Gotta love No David!
My Second Sense

Kristi Neill said...

I love David Goes to School for teaching rules! The kids crack up!

Unknown said...

I love David Shannon. I've never heard of this book. It looks super cute. And what great ideas to go along with it! Thank you for sharing, and for the great opportunity to win! Fingers crossed....

Brittany Matheison

Mrs. Wathen said...

Funny that I have to do head checks EVERY Friday, but we never really teach about it... This book looks perfect! My favorite is Alice the Fairy.

The Resourceful Apple

Christine said...

I love David Shannon books! I just read "David Goes to School" to my class. Can't wait to read his new one.


marciblum said...

Just started teaching and need to start a book collection! These books all look wonderful and I love No, David!

The Colorful Apple said...

I could have used this book last year! We could not get lice out of our classroom all year long. It was awful. Thanks for the resources!

Sara :)
The Colorful Apple

Katie Nussbaum said...

I love No, David!

Unknown said...

Can't believe I missed this one! Looks great!

ReneeK said...

How I became a Pirate is one of the many favorites

Markisha said...

I love A Bad Case of the Stripes.

Ellen said...

Luckily I haven't had to teach about headlice, this will be a great to read and hopefully nip the lice before they become a problem.

amcmahon said...

Love this book! It was showcased during a Scholastic book fair workshop I went to.

Making a difference said...

I love the author David Shannon! What a good lesson plan to use!

Primary Paradise said...

So glad you shared this book. Just itching thinking about reading it.
Primary Paradise

Brianne said...

I love David Learns School Rules!

Sara said...

I LOVE Duck on a Bike!
Polka Dot Kinders

Liz said...

I love all of his books! In fact, today I read No, David to my Pre-kinders! It was so fun! I love David Shannon! He is great about answering letters from kids!

Anonymous said...

Last year I was lucky enough (NOT) to have a lice-a-palooza in my classroom! Almost 1/3 of class was sent home. I had to have a pretty frank discussion with the students. I used some youtube videos--kiddos love David Shannon though and a pretty stress-free way to discuss

Cheyenne said...

I love this book! How awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love David Shannon, thanks for sharing! One of my favorites is Alice the Fairy.

Anonymous said...

I love David Shannon, thanks for sharing! One of my favorites is Alice the Fairy.

Huskergirl said...
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Huskergirl said...

I hope I win! I love his work! A Bad Case of Stripes is one of my favorites.

Lindsey Johnston said...

A Bad Case of Stripes is one of my favorites! It's a great book!

The Journey of a Beginning Teacher

Unknown said...

I love all David Shannon books! :)

Karyn said...

I love all of David Shannon's books but I think my favorite is David Goes to School. :o)

Unknown said...

I hadn't heard about the new book, love all David Shannon books though!